Map Gaza Strip (since June 2007 under Hamas rule) Geography People Economy
Map West Bank (including areas under full or part Israeli rule) Geography People Economy
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a bogus picture of a mutilated Pope Benedict XVI (AP) respectively an Islamic flag hoisted over Italy and reading 'Conquering Rome is the answer'
, during a "Day of Rage" of Palestinian Muslims on Sep 22, 2006 (Reuters)
Map Gaza Strip (since June 2007 under Hamas rule) Geography People Economy
Map West Bank (including areas under full or part Israeli rule) Geography People Economy
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Early Palestinian nationalism was influenced heavily by Nazism. While other nations have disavowed fascism (Germany and Italy, for example) and have since developed into thriving democracies, the Palestinians have not.
100% of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip live under Palestinian Hamas control![](
Half of the world's major terror groups are Palestinian or have a Palestinian agenda. For the first time in the history, Hamas - the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood and the ideological cousin of al-Qaeda - has gained full control over contiguous territory and population, and has now effectively become a state government without real opponents. Every Palestinian "political party" of note - Hamas, Fatah and PFLP - operates an armed militia listed as terrorist by the US and EU.Hamas and Fatah execute Palestinian captives, attack Palestinian hospitals, put journalists at serious risk. Hamas and Fatah formed jointly the Palestinian government of, by and for terrorists, now torn apart by unprecedented levels of violence between Palestinian factions. Since the 2006/7 Hamas-Fatah civil war, two rival Palestinian "governments" deny their legitimacy reciprocally and "rule" two politically and geographically separated non-states in the Gaza Strip (Hamas) and West Bank (Fatah). The Palestinian president refers to Hamas as "terrorist murderers", albeit only after Hamas tried to assassinate him, and outlawed the Hamas militia.More Palestinians were killed by their brethren than by anyone else. Both Fatah and Hamas do not recognize Israel's right to exist.
Farouq Al-Qaddoumi, head of the PLO political bureau and secretary general of Fatah's Central Committee: "We [Fatah] were never different from Hamas. On the contrary; [Hamas] is a national movement and is part of the national movement. Strategically, we are no different from it."
The Palestinian movement is still largely based on Israel's destruction. The greatest outpouring of attacks on Israel happened after Israel made the Oslo agreement, withdrew from southern Lebanon, the whole Gaza Strip, and virtually all populated portions of the West Bank, proposed an independent Palestinian state, and so on.
100% of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip live under Palestinian Hamas control
Half of the world's major terror groups are Palestinian or have a Palestinian agenda. For the first time in the history, Hamas - the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood and the ideological cousin of al-Qaeda - has gained full control over contiguous territory and population, and has now effectively become a state government without real opponents. Every Palestinian "political party" of note - Hamas, Fatah and PFLP - operates an armed militia listed as terrorist by the US and EU.Hamas and Fatah execute Palestinian captives, attack Palestinian hospitals, put journalists at serious risk. Hamas and Fatah formed jointly the Palestinian government of, by and for terrorists, now torn apart by unprecedented levels of violence between Palestinian factions. Since the 2006/7 Hamas-Fatah civil war, two rival Palestinian "governments" deny their legitimacy reciprocally and "rule" two politically and geographically separated non-states in the Gaza Strip (Hamas) and West Bank (Fatah). The Palestinian president refers to Hamas as "terrorist murderers", albeit only after Hamas tried to assassinate him, and outlawed the Hamas militia.More Palestinians were killed by their brethren than by anyone else. Both Fatah and Hamas do not recognize Israel's right to exist.
Farouq Al-Qaddoumi, head of the PLO political bureau and secretary general of Fatah's Central Committee: "We [Fatah] were never different from Hamas. On the contrary; [Hamas] is a national movement and is part of the national movement. Strategically, we are no different from it."
The Palestinian movement is still largely based on Israel's destruction. The greatest outpouring of attacks on Israel happened after Israel made the Oslo agreement, withdrew from southern Lebanon, the whole Gaza Strip, and virtually all populated portions of the West Bank, proposed an independent Palestinian state, and so on.
In 2000, the Palestinians rejected a peace agreement that would have quickly ended the Israeli presence, created a Palestinian state, made possible repatriation of refugees, and provided more than $23 billion in international payments. Instead, they launched a disastrous war based mainly on terrorism. The Palestinians also failed to use the opportunity of the 2005 complete Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip to build a stable polity. Instead, the collapse of Gaza in anarchy, radicalism, and violence provides a vision of what a Palestinian state would look like. Palestinian society is quickly becoming a one-religion, one-identity and one-ideological entity of self-hatred.
The 2006 "democratic election" was a reality check into the nature of Palestinian society: Hamas won a clear majority (74) in the 132-seat Palestinian Legislative Council, Fatah about a third (45), PFLP 3 and others 1-2. Armed militias attached to political parties are incompatible with democratic societies:
Hamas Charter, Article 27 (Palestine Center, Jun 6, 2007): "The Palestine Liberation Organization is among the closest to the Hamas, for it constitutes a father, a brother, a relative, a friend."
Palestine Liberation Organization Charter, Introduction, 1964: "We, the Palestinian Arab people, who believe in its Arabism and in its right to regain its homeland, to realize its freedom and dignity, and who have determined to amass its forces and mobilize its efforts and capabilities in order to continue its struggle and to move forward on the path of holy war (al-jihad) until complete and final victory has been attained,"
Palestinian Authority TV Sermon, May 13, 2005: Muslims Will Rule America, Britain ... and the Entire World; Israel is a Cancer; Jews are a Virus Resembling AIDS; Muslims Will Finish Them Off
Cartoon by Chris Britt, The State Journal-Register, Jan 27, 2006
Blow up a bus - Do-it-yourself video circulating on terrorist websites
Blow up a bus - Do-it-yourself video circulating on terrorist websites
Hamas - A Profile of Terror - Hamas MP's vow for jihad
State of chaos and anarchy - Palestinian premier's office torched - Lynching of dissidents - Incitement to violence and hatred in media
"PALLYWOOD" - the Palestinian staged-news industry
Child abuse - Suicide bomber cult - Anarchy ruined economy - Millions, including foreign aid, spent on weapons acquisitions
Arabs who sold land to Jews are tortured and lynched - Palestinian sentenced to death by Palestinian court for selling land to Jews - PA affirms death penalty for land sales to Jews
Christianity dying in its birthplace
Two-state solution is for Arabs interim step toward Greater Palestine
State of chaos and anarchy - Palestinian premier's office torched - Lynching of dissidents - Incitement to violence and hatred in media
Child abuse - Suicide bomber cult - Anarchy ruined economy - Millions, including foreign aid, spent on weapons acquisitions
Arabs who sold land to Jews are tortured and lynched - Palestinian sentenced to death by Palestinian court for selling land to Jews - PA affirms death penalty for land sales to Jews
Christianity dying in its birthplace
Two-state solution is for Arabs interim step toward Greater Palestine
On the right side of late Palestinian dictator
Abu Mazen: A Political Profile (Yael Yehoshua, MEMRI, April 29, 2003
Iraqi tyran and sponsor of Palestinian terrorism Saddam Hussein
holding a gun,
in the background blood drops and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem (Al-Quds in Arabic)
in the background blood drops and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem (Al-Quds in Arabic)
"Palestine is part of the Arab Homeland. State of Palestine shall abide by the charter of the League of Arab States. The Palestinian people is part of the Arab and Islamic nations. ... Islam shall be the official religion in Palestine. … The principles of Islamic Shari’a shall be a major source of legislation." (Draft of Palestinian Constitution - c. 1, art. 2, 5, 7, Palestinian National Authority official website, Sep 14, 2005)
The mere existence of the Palestinian Authority is the result of Israel being the only power in history to have granted autonomy to the Palestinians. "Palestine" is the name of a geographical area. Never in history existed a state named Palestine. When the Arabs ruled the area - as a result of their imperial conquests from the 7th through the 9th century C.E. - it was out of their two Caliphal capitals, Damascus and Baghdad. Neither Arab Jordan or Egypt consented to Palestinian autonomy when the disputed territories - West Bank and the Gaza Strip - were under their occupation (from 1948-1967). Today Arab League asserts right to 22nd Arab state, 2nd one in historic Palestine. In 1995 and 1997, Israel relinquished control over virtually all of the West Bank’s and Gaza Strip's Palestinian residents. Since that time, nearly 60 percent of them –in main cities– have lived entirely under the Palestinian Autority's jurisdiction. Another 40 percent live where the Palestinian Authority exercises civil authority but, in line with the Oslo accords, Israel has maintained "overriding responsibility for security". In 2005 the Gaza Strip became the first independent Palestinian territory ever.
Small scale conflict: under two Palestinians killed per day since Sep 30, 2000. The claims regarding the number of Palestinian casualties and their causes are not subject to independent verification, and there are documented examples where fictitious funerals have been held. In any case, many times more Palestinians were killed by Palestinians and while warring with Arab regimes like Jordan and Lebanon than in their war against Israel.
Israel's strategy of winning Palestinian hearts and minds failed because Israeli carrots could never overcome the intimidation applied by Palestinian terrorist regime's sticks:
Half of the world's major terror groups are Palestinian or have a Palestinian agenda - Palestinian Legislative Council rejects US anti-terror pledge - Arafat - godfather of international terrorism and Bin Laden's inspiration - The deliberate killings of Arab, Israeli, European, American civilians by Palestinian armed groups are both widespread and systematic, and are perpetrated as part of a publicly announced policy to target civilians.
The PA collects no taxes from its own people, a luxury never mentioned by those bemoaning the PA's poverty - Most money provided by donor countries went to funding violence, lining corrupt officials' pockets, and paying salaries as a way of buying support - Palestinians received the largest amount of money per capita in the history of foreign aid but this was still not enough to balance the budget - Cutting aid could be really effective is in blocking Hamas from hiring thousands of its militants as internationally subsidized terrorists, teachers, officially appointed clerics or media workers paid by Western taxpayers to commit violence and spread hate -Palestinian despot Arafat in Forbes Report "The World's Richest People"
Israel (Free) Source: Freedom House
Palestinian Authority (0.731) & 22 Arab regimes (0.662) (PDF, 670 KB)
Source: United Nations Human Development Report 2003
Germany (7.3) and USA (7.7), Source: Transparency International (PDF, 1.8 MB)
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade [belonging to Arafat's Fatah]Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement)
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)Asbat al-Ansar [Palestinians in Lebanon]
Hizballah (Party of God) [Lebanese with Palestinian agenda]
Al-Qaida [Muslim with Palestinian agenda]
Goals of HAMAS: 'The Islamic Resistance Movement is a distinguished Palestinian movement, whose allegiance is to Allah, and whose way of life is Islam. It strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine.' (Article 6)
On the Destruction of Israel: 'Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.' (Preamble)
The Exclusive and Irrevocable Moslem Nature of the Area: '... the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf [irrevocable religious endowment - MEI] consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. Neither a single Arab country nor all Arab countries, neither any king or president, nor all the kings and presidents, neither any organization nor all of them, be they Palestinian or Arab, possess the right to do that.' (Article 11)
'Palestine is an Islamic land... Since this is the case, the liberation of Palestine is an individual duty for every Moslem wherever he may be.' (Article 13)
The Call to Jihad: 'The day the enemies usurp part of Moslem land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem. In the face of the Jews' usurpation, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised.' (Article 15)
'Jihad is not confined to the carrying of arms and the confrontation of the enemy.' (Article 30)
'Ranks will close, fighters joining other fighters, and masses everywhere in the Islamic world will come forward in response to the call of duty, loudly proclaiming: 'Hail to Jihad!'. This cry will reach the heavens and will go on being resounded until liberation is achieved, the invaders vanquished and Allah's victory comes about.' (Article 33)
Rejection of a Negotiated Peace Settlement: '[Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility.' (Article 13)
Condemnation of the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty: 'Egypt was, to a great extent, removed from the circle of struggle [against Zionism] through the treacherous Camp David Agreement. The Zionists are trying to draw other Arab countries into similar agreements in order to bring them outside the circle of struggle. ...Leaving the circle of struggle against Zionism is high treason, and cursed be he who perpetrates such an act.' (Article 32)
Genocide: 'The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.' (Article 7)
Anti-Semitic Incitement: 'The enemies have been scheming for a long time ... and have accumulated huge and influential material wealth. With their money, they took control of the world media... With their money they stirred revolutions in various parts of the globe... They stood behind the French Revolution, the Communist Revolution and most of the revolutions we hear about... With their money they formed secret organizations - such as the Freemasons, Rotary Clubs and the Lions - which are spreading around the world, in order to destroy societies and carry out Zionist interests... They stood behind World War I ... and formed the League of Nations through which they could rule the world. They were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains... There is no war going on anywhere without them having their finger in it.' (Article 22)
'Zionism scheming has no end, and after Palestine, they will covet expansion from the Nile to the Euphrates River. When they have finished digesting the area on which they have laid their hand, they will look forward to more expansion. Their scheme has been laid out in the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'.' (Article 32)
'The HAMAS regards itself the spearhead and the vanguard of the circle of struggle against World Zionism... Islamic groups all over the Arab world should also do the same, since they are best equipped for their future role in the fight against the warmongering Jews.' (Article 32)
"... I pray to Allah that we live to see the usurping Knesset [Israeli Parliament] collapse on the heads of the Jews ..."
The mere existence of Arafat's Palestinian Authority is the result of Israel being the only power in history to have granted autonomy to the Palestinians. Neither Arab Jordan or Egypt consented to Palestinian autonomy when the disputed territories - West Bank and the Gaza Strip - were under THEIR occupation (from 1948-1967).
The Palestinians rejected, among others, the Peel Commission partition proposal of 1937 that would have given them a state three times Israel's size, the UN partition plan that would have given them a state in 1948, and in 2001 Israel's offer of 97% of Gaza and the West Bank and a land swap within the Green Line for the rest.
The All-Palestine Government (APG) was established in Gaza in September 1948. On October 1, 1948, an independent Palestinian state was declared in Gaza by the Palestinian National Council (PNC) - although only half of the municipal and village leaders had arrived out of the 150 invited.Haj Amin Al Husseini, a fugitive collaborator of Nazi Germany leader Adolf Hitler, was elected President of the PNC as well as President of the Higher Council - a sort of presidential institution to stand above both the APG and PNC, the executive arm and the legislative arm, respectively. The APG was recognized only by Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen, but not by Transjordan and other Arab states or any non-Arab country. On October 1, 1948, the very same day the PNC's deliberations began in Gaza, the First Palestinian Congress of Palestinian mayors, tribal leaders and notables adopted in Amman a number of resolutions; the establishment of the APG in Gaza was ruled contrary to the wishes and interests of the Palestinians; Transjordan and Palestine were termed a single territorial entity that must remain a single political entity. The Gaza Strip was the only area of the former British Mandate for Palestine under the factual and official sovereignty of the All-Palestine Government. In effect, the Gaza Strip was under direct Egyptian administration, though Egypt never laid any claim to or annexed the territory. After the 1958 unification of Egypt and Syria in the United Arab Republic (UAR), the UAR President Gamal Abdel Nasser officially annulled the All-Palestine government by decree in 1959; no significant Palestinian opposition is on record.
The Arab-Israeli conflict is not really a dispute over land or religion. Rather, it is a conflict between good and evil, between democracy and tyranny, between those who sanctify life and those who glorify death. It is a conflict between those who believe in due process and those who believe in summary execution. In choosing the depravity of dismembering civilians, Arafat's Palestinian Authority murderers have cast off the image of God. While Israel has always been prepared to negotiate a settlement with the Palestinians, their leaders have instead made a pact with the devil. Sending murderers to blow up teenagers is not an abrogation of a treaty signed in Norway. It is the apogee of wickedness. Teaching schoolchildren that one goes to heaven for killing Jews is not irresponsible. It is evil. Blowing up teenagers outside a disco is not merely morally repugnant. It is satanic. And Palestinian leaders who justify these bestial means are not desperate, they are satanic. Whatever grievances the Palestinians claim to have against Israel, choosing to settle them by maiming and murdering innocent men, women, and children is a crime against God and a sin against humanity. The Jews would have every right to claim to be the most desperate people of the world. 6 million Jews, 1/3 of the Jewish people, were turned into piles of ashes by the Nazi murderers. But the Jews never retaliated by machine-gunning German schoolgirls. More than a million Armenians were slaughtered by the Ottomans in World War I. But they never responded by blowing up coffeehouses. China completely overran and occupied Tibet. But the Dalai Lama never called upon his monks to bomb kindergartens. Only the Palestinians have chosen this course and in so doing they have gone over to the dark side.
In July 1922, the League of Nations entrusted Great Britain with the Mandate for Palestine, that incorporated the Balfour Declaration, and charged the Mandatory to secure the Jewish National Home while safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion. Recognizing "the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine," Great Britain was called upon to facilitate the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine. The area of the Palestine Mandate included the territory of "Trans-Jordania" (Art 25 of the Mandate for Palestine).
In September 1922, the League of Nations and Great Britain decided that the provisions for setting up a Jewish national home would not apply to "Transjordan", which constituted three-fourths of the Mandate for Palestine territory and which eventually became the Kingdom of Jordan. See Palestine Order in Council (Aug 14, 1922): "This Order In Council Shall Not Apply To Such Parts Of The Territory Comprised In Palestine To The East Of The Jordan". Therefore, in many ways, Jordan is actually an Arab Palestinian state with an Arab Palestinian majority ruled by an Arab dynasty.
1964 Palestine Liberation Organization Charter, article 24: “This Organization [the PLO - MEI] does not exercise any regional sovereignty over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in the Gaza Strip or the Himmah area.”
Egyptian stamps
Of the original 1922 League of Nations Palestine Mandate to establish the Jewish National Home (120,000 sq km), Israel got only 17% (20,330 sq km), while Arab Jordan got 77% (91,971 sq km).Golan Heights (1,200 sq km): 1%.
The West Bank and the Gaza Strip are the remaining 5% of the former British Mandate and are today under Israeli or Arab Palestinian home rule, their current status subject to the Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement, their permanent status to be determined through further negotiation. The disputed West Bank and Gaza Strip area of 6,220 sq km is matching equivalent to a circle with a radius of 45 km. This is 1/2400 (0.04%!) of the total area of the Arab world & Iran (15.15 million sq km).
(Extracts from "Israel and Palestine - Assault on the Law of Nations", Prof. Julius Stone): (PDF 1.4 MB)
"The legality of Israel's presence in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Gaza has been the subject of heated argument since 1967. Some regard these areas as illegally occupied, others as disputed territories and there is an obvious need for clarity if the subject is to be discussed rationally in terms of facts rather than assumptions."
Palestinian universities in East-Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza Strip (all founded after 1967 when Israel took over these territories from Arab Jordan and Arab Egypt):
Al Azhar University of Gaza
Al-Quds University (6 campuses in Jerusalem and West Bank)
Arab American University of Jenin
Bethlehem University of Bethlehem
Birzeit University of Birzeit
Hebron University of Hebron
Ibrahimieh Community College of Jerusalem
Islamic University of Gaza
Palestine Polytechnic Institute
An-Najah National University of Nablus official website: "In 1977 it became An-Najah National University with Faculties of Arts and Science. In 1978 An-Najah National Universityjoined the Association of Arab Universities as a full member. The university grew and advanced from this point forward constructing auditoriums, a library and a student center until it was declared a "closed military area" by the Israeli authorities in 1988. It was reopened in 1991 and has been fully functioning since. It has 10 Undergraduate Faculties, 30 Masters, and one Ph.D program. The university has also added nine professional and technical centers, such as the Center for Water and Environmental Studies and the Center for Urban and Regional Planning. An-Najah National University continues to advance and develop and offer the highest level of secondary education in the West Bank. The foundation has already been laid for its new campus, which will house the School of Medicine, a Teaching Hospital and its existing Science and Technical Faculties, and An-Najah hopes to expand to hold more than 10,000 students by the new millenium.” You got it? From 1948-1967, under the occupation of the Arab Jordanian brothers, Nablus got no university. But since 1977, under Israeli rule, Nablus not only got their first university but “the university grew and advanced”. Needless to say, while tens of thousands of Arabs study at Israeli universities, no Jew can safely enter Nablus: Hamas and Islamic Jihad Triumph in Al-Najah University Student Elections. The USA and the EU classify Hamas andIslamic Jihad as terrorist organizations.
Rights Watch, Nov 2001)
1. Disputes arising out of the application or interpretation of this Declaration of Principles, or any subsequent agreements pertaining to the interim period, shall be resolved by negotiations through the Joint Liaison Committee to be established pursuant to Article X above.
2. Disputes which cannot be settled by negotiations may be resolved by a mechanism of conciliation to be agreed upon by the parties.
3. The parties may agree to submit to arbitration disputes relating to the interim period, which cannot be settled through conciliation. To this end, upon the agreement of both parties, the parties will establish an Arbitration Committee.
The Gaza Strip’s Palestinians do not live in the world's most crowded place. Compare:
Gaza Strip: 1.48 million residents on 360 km² = 4,118/km²
Singapore: 6,400/km²
Monaco: 16,818/km²
Hong Kong Administrative Region, China: 6,352/km²
Tel Aviv, Israel: 7,533/km²
Ashdod, Israel: 4,381/km²
Jerusalem, Israel: 5,768/km²
Beirut, Lebanon: 12,500/km²
Damascus City: 6,680/km²
Cairo, Egypt: 37,136/km²
Casablanca, Morocco: 9,132/km²
Istanbul, Turkey: 6,211/km²
Copenhagen, Denmark: 5,777/km²
New York, USA: 10,482/km²
Paris, France: 24,948/km²
Barcelona, Spain: 16,094/km²
Athens, Greece: 7,604/km²
Berlin, Germany: 3,840/km²
Moscow, Russia: 9,685/km²
London, United Kingdom: 4,761/km²
Naples, Italy: 8,334/km²
Taipei, Taiwan: .9,660/km²
Mumbay, India: 21,880/km²
Lagos, Nigeria: 7,941/km²
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 4,781/km²
Mexico City, Mexico: 5,950/km²
Los Angeles, USA: 3,168/km²
How crowded is the Gaza Strip? (elderofziyon, Jan 4, 2009)
Gaza Strip: 1.48 million residents on 360 km² = 4,118/km²
Singapore: 6,400/km²
Monaco: 16,818/km²
Hong Kong Administrative Region, China: 6,352/km²
Tel Aviv, Israel: 7,533/km²
Ashdod, Israel: 4,381/km²
Jerusalem, Israel: 5,768/km²
Beirut, Lebanon: 12,500/km²
Damascus City: 6,680/km²
Cairo, Egypt: 37,136/km²
Casablanca, Morocco: 9,132/km²
Istanbul, Turkey: 6,211/km²
Copenhagen, Denmark: 5,777/km²
New York, USA: 10,482/km²
Paris, France: 24,948/km²
Barcelona, Spain: 16,094/km²
Athens, Greece: 7,604/km²
Berlin, Germany: 3,840/km²
Moscow, Russia: 9,685/km²
London, United Kingdom: 4,761/km²
Naples, Italy: 8,334/km²
Taipei, Taiwan: .9,660/km²
Mumbay, India: 21,880/km²
Lagos, Nigeria: 7,941/km²
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 4,781/km²
Mexico City, Mexico: 5,950/km²
Los Angeles, USA: 3,168/km²
1941, Nazi Germany leader Adolf Hitler
1973, Communist Germany solidarity parade
with the leader of the Palestinian Arabs
Palestinian Autonomy related documents (MEMRI)
CIA World Factbook (West Bank)
CIA World Factbook (Gaza Strip)
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