Friday, December 11, 2015


"Having read `The Rape of Palestine,' I stand amazed at the scholarship,
the courage and the competence of William B . Ziff, its author.
The book is full of political dynamite - in its documented indictment
of the British camarilla which in betraying the Jewish nation is betraying
the British nation as well; in its unsparing exposure of self-deluded
Zionist leadership; in its passionate and convincing demonstration that
anti-Semitism threatens to annihilate not only us Jews but everything
connoted by `Christian civilization.' It is a moving and powerful and
vastly significant book, the kind of book, it seems to me, that makes
history." - Eugene Lyons

"The Palestine problem is not a local issue. It has become one of major
significance to the world at large. Mr. Ziff's great book is a splendid
contribution to the clarification and ultimate solution of that problem.
It is a perfectly amazing historical document. Its clarity and charm of
style, its forthright logic and masterly presentation' of facts make it one
of the outstanding books of this generation."- William Griffin, Editor
and Publisher, New York Enquirer

"At last there has come what has so long been needed, a clear, accurate,
dependable account of the betrayal of the world's hope in Palestine."
-Charles Edward Russell
"This book should be read by all those in responsible position in
American public affairs who are interested in the foreign scene."
- H. Styles Bridges, U. S. Senator, New Hampshire

"Every lover of humanity and everyone who hopes' to preserve our
present civilization against disaster should read these dynamic pages.
This book is an eye-opener." - William Green, President, A. F. of L.
"I heartily recommend Wm. B. Ziff's book. This great book should
be in the hands of all those interested in gaining a proper understanding
of the vexing Palestine problems of today." - Reverend Ralph Sockman,
Former President, Greater New York Federation of Churches

`William 13. Ziff



First edition November 1938
Second edition November 1938

" . I hope the Hon. Members will believe me when I say that 
I am not pro-Jew; I am pro-English. I set a higher value on the 
reputation of England all over the world for justice than I do on 
anything else . . . but when I see this sort of thing going on, 
with the Government unable to put any argument an the other side, 
it makes me perhaps bitterer than even a Jew can be against the 
Government of Palestine today."- Address by Colonel Josiah C. 
Wedgwood, M.P., to his peers in Commons, May 29, 1934.

The parlous condition of the Jewish people over a large part 
of the known world, and particularly in such countries as Germany, 
Poland and Rumania, has called increasing attention to the 
workings of the Mandate for Palestine now administered by 
Great Britain under the authority of the League of Nations. The 
Mandate, when it was written, as well as the antecedent Balfour 
Declaration, clearly contemplated that the "home" to be established 
in Palestine was intended for the whole Jewish people who
were to be established there by international sanction in the 
future. The intention was to provide a sane and reasonable solution 
to the age-old Jewish problem, and it anticipated those 
circumstances which have rendered so large a portion of the Jewish
race homeless.
If this was indeed the purpose of the Mandate it has proved a 
miserable failure, since it has solved nothing and has only succeeded 
in adding a new and formidable problem to a world already 
sinking under the weight of problems. Many reasons are
adduced for this failure. Much is made of the irreconciliable 
differences between Arabs and Jews, which the mandatory now 
claims render the Mandate unworkable.
The claim that an opposing promise was made to the Arabs will 
be examined in these pages, as will be the circumstances under 
which the Balfour Declaration and Mandate were issued. The
assertion that the Declaration was extorted from an unwilling 
Britain by Jewish financiers during the War, can be obviously 
disposed of as a pure invention of the anti-Semitic mind. Another 
and more reasonable claim made to justify Britain's position 
in this matter is that she was totally ignorant of the real conditions 
in Palestine and the actual problems she was letting herself 
in for when she made her bargain with the Jews. Under 
examination this contention loses much of its plausibility. For a 
hundred years Zionism, as we shall see, had been almost as much 
an English movement as it was a purely Jewish one. As for local 
conditions in Palestine, it is undoubted that British officialdom 
knew more about Arab social and economic problems than the 
Jews aspiring to settle there. From the time the American 
scholar Robinson attempted to explore archaeological remains in 
the Holy Land in 1837, London has, through the Palestine Exploration 
Fund, concentrated on the study of every minute detail
that related to Palestine. "Theirs," state De Haas and Wise, 
"were the surveys, the compilation of flora and fauna, theirs too 
the enumeration and localization of the Bedouin tribes; theirs the 
studies in local conditions, the compilation of customs and excise, 
estimates of population, speculation as to the origins of peoples,
observations on everything that relates to the area between 
the River of Egypt and the cedars of Lebanon." 
1 Reaching far 
back into the 1840's, Lord Palmerston had compiled for his Government 
thorough material on Palestine, considering the possibility 
of exercising a British protectorate over that region in the 
Jewish interests. Since that time the accumulation has been so 
vast that it is only fair to say that the British archives contain a 
better survey of Arab social, economic, agricultural and other 
problems than the Arabs have of themselves.
As for the Declaration itself, it may be assumed that Lord Balfour, 
its author, is an infallible witness to its intended purpose.
He wrote: "The national and international status of the Jews to 
that of other races . . . would be promoted by giving them that 
which all other nations possess: a local habitation and a national 
home . . . [where] they would bear corporate responsibilities
and enjoy corporate duties of a kind which, from the nature of 
the case, they can never possess as citizens of any non-Jewish 
2 It will be evident from the records that neither the 
Declaration nor the Mandate confers upon non-Jews any rights 
which would allow them to interfere with the growth and operation 
of the National Home. It is obvious that if these documents 
were to be interpreted so as to include National Home rights to 
non-Jews, both the National Home grant to the Jews and the 
rights of non-Jews would be repealed by implication.

The document 
would then repeal itself, which on the face of it would be
a reductio ad absurdum.
As will also be seen from these pages, British trusteeship of the 
Holy Land was the result of Jewish demand itself, Wedgwood 
admitting rather shamefacedly in this respect that the Jews were 
"almost the only non-Anglo-Saxon people who seem to believe 
that on the whole England does try to behave decently towards 
other people." 3 
If the records are to be believed, the Mandatory for Palestine 
has followed a deliberate defaulting policy in respect to its obligations 
there, and has itself largely created the conditions which 
it now so thoroughly decries. 
A large share of its policies have 
been motivated entirely by British power politics in the Mediterranean, 
in which the Mandate was used for the purpose of
surrounding British Imperial strategy in the Middle East with the 
aura of sanctity. A factor of even greater importance, however, 
is the gross anti-Semitism of a handful of civil servants in the 
bureaus of Whitehall and Westminster. It is to the phobia of
these men against Jews that most of the troubles agitating the 
Holy Land can be traced . Its wantonness is not flaunted, it is 
true, like the excesses of the German Nazis or the Polish Endeks.
It lies icily beneath the shining hardness of bureaucratic logic.
It is overlaid with the softness of English colonial skill - but, as 
we shall discover, it is in no sense less intense, and fully as implacable, 
as the open anti-Semitism of the Nazis on the Continent.
This, briefly, will be found to be the underlying condition 
which hides beneath the maze of pretension by which London 
has consistently justified its bad faith to the Jews and to the 
world. It is this factor which has caused the declared policy of 
the Mandate to fail so ignominiously and which has allowed the 
Holy Land in these past years to be given over to hooligans and 
desperadoes who have murdered its citizens, burned its crops and 
houses and demoralized its commerce .
The records are voluminous . This book attempts only the 
barest factual description, as free as such an account may reasonably
be from evaluations or interpretations which the facts do 
not bespeak in themselves.
For those who desire fuller information on the various aspects 
of this subject, a selected list of reference works will be found in 
the notes and bibliography. The attention of the reader should 
also be brought to the fact that except where otherwise indicated, 
italics are in every case my own .

The Ancient Land of Israel -Character of the 
Hebrew - Struggles for Independence - Final 
Rebellions - The Dispersion
The Jew Never Gave Up His Claim to Palestine - 
The First Essential to Jewish Title
Fifteen Hundred Years of Tragedy - "Liberty !
Fraternity ! Equality !" - `The Lost Ten Tribes' 
- Reawakening Hebrew Consciousness - Herz1

Topography - Jewish Pre-War Settlements
Palestine and the War - Events Leading to Lord 
Balfour's Commitment - Struggle with the Non-
Zionists - What Did the Declaration Mean ?
Marching Jews - Revolting Tribesmen - The Arab 
View of Zionism - The Military Junta - Handrubbing 
Statesmen - Pogrom and World Horror
Weizmann Obliges - The First Partition
Under the Colonial Office - A Jewish Ruler After 
Two Thousand Years - The Pogrom of 1921 - 
The Grand Mufti - The Churchill White Paper
- Severance of Transjordan - Samuel is Replaced 
- Field Marshal Lord Plumer
The Third High Commissioner - The Pogrom of 
1929 - Who Was Responsible? -Commissions 
and White Papers - The Report of Hope-Simpson
- The Passfield White Paper - The MacDonald 
Letter - The Kid Glove High Commissioner - 
The Report of Mr . French
The Zionist Organization - The Palestine Dreyfus
Case - Labor Dictatorship - Reigning Zionist
`Unprecedented Prosperity' -Population and Cities
- Character of the People
The Holy Land and Whitehall - The Jewish 
Nuisance - `Rule Britannia !' - The Arab
Empire Project- Interpreting the Mandate
The Jew Tries to Enter Palestine - Tourists - 
Hunting down Illegals - The Arab Comes in Like 
a Gentleman - Britain Puts on the Heat
Soil Hunger - A Famine in Land - Double Standard 
of Taxation
2 54
Sabotaging Industry -Banking and Currency - 
Citrus - Economic Insanity -'Heads, I Win
Tails, You Lose' - On Air and Sea - Roads and 
The Tax Moneys - Public Expenditures - Cheating 
Children with Cockles - Health and Sanitation - 
Laws, Benefits and Public Services -'No Jews 
Need Apply' - An Anglo-Saxon System of 
Jurisprudence -The Wolf Named Sheriff to 
Does an Arab Race Exist? -Arab Types and 
Traits - Levantine Worship of God - The Son of 
the Desert Suffers from Jewish Competition - 
Nashishibis and Husseinis - Claims, Objectives 
and Methods -'Semitic Brothers'
`Let Not Thy Right Hand Know What Thy Left 
Hand Doeth' -Revolt by Permission - Blaming 
Italians and Communists - Another Royal Commission 
- Downing Street Runs the Gauntlet - 
Mr. Weizmann Obliges Again - Saint George 
Spits in the Dragon's Eye
the Lambs - Numerus Clausus and Censorship
Legalities : `Made in England' - Abdullah Puts His 
Hand Out
I .
The Legislative Council - "By Their Acts You Shall 
Know Them!" - Some Odious Comparisons

Spits in the Dragon's Eye 
the Lambs - Numerus Clausus and Censorship
Legalities : `Made in England' - Abdullah Puts His 
Hand Out
I .
The Legislative Council - "By Their Acts You Shall 
Know Them!" - Some Odious Comparisons
`Enemies of All Mankind'- The Refugees
Absorptive Capacity - Landless Arabs and Agricultural 
Possibilities -'No Water' - A Prospect of 
Agricultural Competence - Mineral Resources - 
Other Possibilities - An Overcrowded Country
Maps appear on end pages, 
inside front and back covers.
5 1 4
57 1
5 84


The Zionist fabric is not new. It is of a piece with the whole 
history and tradition of the Hebrew people . It is inextricably a 
part of that dynamic stream of consciousness which has swept the 
Hebrew past a long succession of centuries which, by all logic, 
should have suffocated him . Unconsciously, even the apostate 
Disraeli acknowledged the great compulsion of the Hebrew past 
in the life of the living Jew . Cut to the quick by fellow-members 
in Parliament who taunted him with being a Jew as he made his 
maiden speech, he cried in reply : "That is all very well -but 
when your ancestors were chasing each other around trees with 
stone axes, mine were writing the Talmud."
A short glimpse into the history of this remarkable people will 
shed a clear light on much of the present Jewish situation which 
must otherwise remain confused and inexplicable.
For countless generations the world has been content with the 
paradox which allowed it to affirm with Sir William Jones, that 
the Hebrew Scriptures "contained more sublimity, more exquisite 
beauty, and finer strains of poetry and eloquence than could be 
collected from all other books that were ever composed in any 
age or any idiom" ; and in the same breath to believe that the Hebrews 
who wrote them were a tribe of wild, illiterate shepherds 
on a scale of development comparable to that of the modem 
Recent archaeological research brings us to the more reasonable 
conclusion that the people who wrote the Bible were a race who 
lived in a high state of civilization, not inferior in many of its 
aspects to that of the present day .
Among the most interesting of these discoveries is the un
doubted proof that Abraham actually lived .
We have the word
of Sir Leonard Woolley and other scholars, that "the fact of 
Abraham's existence was vouched for by written documents almost, 
if not quite, contemporary with him ." 1 And Prof . J. Garrow 
Duncan remarks that in Genesis    i-xi are whole passages which 
"describe actual history dating two thousand years before Abraham, 
and other passages which are translated from ancient cuneiform
records as if the writer had the tablets before him ." He
describes at Ur, the Jewish patriarchs' birthplace, two-story 
houses with plastered rooms, together with sewers, pillars and 
courtyards . "Some of the cuneiform tablets were on the subject 
of mathematics," from plain sums in addition to methods of 
extracting cube roots, a knowledge, he avers, Abraham most certainly
possessed .2
It is now clear that the Jews originated in Mesopotamia, a
colonizing offshoot of that ancient Akkadian-Sumerian culture, 
in which, according to the consensus of modern scholarly opinion, 
civilization itself was cradled.
The Hebrews entered Palestine as an educated people. That 
writing was in common use among them even as early as the time 
of Moses, is shown by the findings at Lachish. Here Sir Charles 
Marston came upon letters written in ink describing contemporary 
history, the earliest known use of alphabetical writing .3
Recent excavations confirm completely descriptions in the texts 
of the Old Testament. At Tell Sbustujeh in Samaria were found 
exquisite decorations, delicately carved inlays, and various articles 
of metal craftsmanship, obviously those referred to in Kings 
22:39, Amos 3 :15 and Psalms 45:8. Here are the palaces of 
Ahab, and houses built with hewn stone, often of two or three
stories, speaking evidence of the rich civilized life which produced 
them. Excavations elsewhere in Palestine tell exactly the 
same story. Apparently even the greatest attention was paid to 
matters of sanitation, and "the great water tunnels at Gezer and 
Jerusalem show that no amount of trouble was considered superfluous 
in order to provide uninterrupted access to water." 4
In the light of these findings, the great prosperity of the Hebrew 
nation cannot be dismissed as so much oriental braggado
 It must be accepted as a faithful account of historical fact .
The soil had been the basic source of Palestine's wealth and had 
been so during all the ages until the hand of a barbaric and improvident 
race fell heavy upon it and robbed it of its fertility. The 
Song of Solomon describes the luscious beauty of the well-kept 
and thickly populated country in the springtime; and we have today
for reference the remarkable notes of an Egyptian named
Sinuhe (about the twentieth century B.C.) who, compelled to 
reside for a while in the highlands of Palestine, relates tersely 
"There were figs and grapes and more wine than water. Its honey 
was ample and its oil abundant, and all kinds of fruits hung from 
its trees. There were wheat and barley and all kinds of flocks,
without number." 5 About 200 B.C. another articulate traveler, 
one Aristeas, raptly describes the country as an agricultural paradise
." Josephus himself never grew tired of praising the fertility 
of his native land. The Galilee uplands he describes as being so 
closely cultivated as to resemble "a large garden." Tacitus echoes 
much of this unbounded adulation; while Polybius declared that
the district between Beth Shan and the Lake of Galilee alone 
could support an army.
Biblical testimony itself was unstinting in its lush description 
of the region as being a land flowing with milk and honey. Deuteronomy 
describes it as a beautiful country with "brooks of water 
and fountains and lakes that spring out of valleys and hills, a land 
of wheat, barley and vines, and fig trees and pomegranates, a land
of olive oil and honey, a land where one can eat without scarceness, 
where there is no lack of anything . . ."
The Jew had been a skilled agriculturist. He knew how to
prepare the soil, manure it and clear it of stones and debris. He 
was accustomed to terrace the hills and knew how to practice irrigation 
by means of cisterns, wells and canals. The ploughshare 
itself was made out of iron.? The ground had to be turned over 
at least three times, and the plough followed by the harrow., So 
highly was agriculture esteemed that even Saul, although he was
already anointed king, is seen returning from his day at the 
plough. 9
In the hands of this provident people who loved their soil, this 
whole territory was an Eden of 
rich meadows, numberless fruit 
trees, vineyards, palms and closely cultivated farms and gardens.
Grain crops and vegetables of all kinds grew in profusion both in 
the valleys and on the hills. The land was so rich in fruits of 
every kind that they were exported to world markets, where they 
were famous for their superior quality . All through ancient times 
the Jordan Valley was noted for its corn, dates, balsam, flax and 
other products. Here in the last century Tristram came upon 
elaborate ruins of sugar mills still surviving. 10 Pliny called Judea
as famous for dates as Egypt for spices. Galilee was known 
throughout the ancient world for its olive oil. Its importance 
alone is shown by the amount supplied annually to the King of 
Tyre by Solomon : 160,000 gallons of best quality." Across 
Jordan the sleek, fat kine of Bashan were proverbial. And Gilead 
bore perfume and medicine for the whole Eastern world. Hence 
the proverb, "Is there no balm in Gilead?"
Up to the Fifth Century A.D. the bare hills of Moab were covered 
with waving corn and closely settled vineyards. Some remnants 
of the immense forests which once stretched from Kfar 
Saba and east into Bethlehem still existed as late as 1840, when 
they too capitulated to the general war of extermination waged 
by the wandering native population against the woods and soil of 
this favored country. Writers, even down to the Crusades, described 
great woods like those of Sharon. As late as Nehemiah's 
time there was a forester in the Royal Service to control the timber 
supply around Jerusalem, 12 and from the hieroglyphic papyrus 
Golenisheff (about 1150 B.c.) we learn that the Egyptians had 
been importing timber from the Carmel region for generations."
In this Eden of prosperous husbandry it is no surprise to see industry 
and manufacture keeping pace to create a well-rounded 
base for the wealth of this fortunate nation. Allied with the 
farmers were innumerable shepherds, cowherds and cattlemen.
Dairying was of sufficient importance to make a cheese market 
necessary in Jerusalem. On the other side of Jordan the Jews 
dealt in wool, and everywhere raised poultry from the earliest 
They were equally alert and practiced in handicrafts which 
were considered a family pride and tradition. At the time of 
Jesus, Jewish literature mentions no less than forty kinds of craftsmen.
Hillel was a woodcutter; R. Yeshoshua ben Hananya a
smith; Jesus of Nazareth a carpenter and maker of cattle yokes, 
and Saul of Tarsus a weaver of tent cloths. An interesting picture 
of various crafts is given in the Wisdom of Ben Sira (Ecclesiasticus), 
a book belonging to about 200 B.c. Here the 
ploughman, the grazier, the carpenter, the engraver, the smith, the 
potter and the physician are all spoken of.
Excavations at Tell Beit Mirsim (the Biblical Debir) showed 
that the industrial life of Israel onward to the end of the Exile was 
well developed. "The evidence of weaving and dyeing, of the 
pottery industry, and especially engineering, is now greatly 
strengthened. The evidence of the weaving industry is overwhelming."
14 At Debir, Dr. Albright discovered six dye plants
and remnants "showing that there must have been a loom in nearly 
every house." 15
At the south end of Lake Tiberias was one of the first purely 
manufacturing towns in economic history. Beautiful dyed cloths 
and dyes were exported as well as phosphorus, asphalt, tar, salt, 
glass ornaments and perfumes. Pliny tells us that 'Judean pitch' 
was world famous. Iron mines were found in the Lebanon and
near Jerash. Josephus mentions the `hill of iron' which "extended 
as far as the land of Moab." Dr. Glueck found in 1934 
abandoned workings of rich copper fields in the region north of 
the Gulf of Aqaba and remarks: "When the Biblical historian 
asserts `there was no weighing of the bronze from which he 
[Solomon] made all these vessels, because it was so much,' one 
may believe that he was not exaggerating the facts." 16
In those days the present industrial relations between East and 
West were reversed. The Orient was then the great industrial 
center and exchanged its manufactured products against the raw 
materials of the less developed Western countries.
Solomon was canny enough to exploit the unique geographical 
position of his country. He was the originator of the policy of 
customs and levied on both imports and exports to keep his treasury 
full. 17           The commerce of the Hebrew State extended in all
directions, as far east as China, and as far west as Natal and Zululand 
where coins dating from the time of the Maccabees have 
been recently discovered."'
On the sea, Rawlinson observes that while the friendly dealings 
of Hiram with David and Solomon are well known, "the continued 
alliance between the Phoenicians and the Israelites has attracted 
less attention." 19 This continued composition of interests 
between the two neighboring Semitic nations is mentioned 
by Herodotus and other ancients and is confirmed by modern
authorities. 20 Says Klausner: "Jewish sailors were just as numerous 
as Jewish donkey-drivers." 21
Fishermen too were numerous and the catch so plentiful that 
much of it was salted and sold abroad. Trade both by sea and 
over the camel routes thrived. Aristeas declares fulsomely that 
"a great mass of spices, precious stones and gold is brought into 
the district . . . For the country is well adapted for commerce 
as well as for cultivation, and the city [Jerusalem] is rich in the 
arts, and lacks none of the merchandise which is brought across 
the sea."

This was the country which Jehovah had promised to his people 
Israel "for an everlasting possession"; a veritable beehive of 
plenty and happiness, tribute to what will happen when a favored 
land and a gifted people meet in conjunction. The Assyrian 
Sennacherib leaves a record of its populousness: "I took forty-six 
of his strong walled cities as well as the small cities in their neighborhood,
which were without number." 22 Josephus remarks 
that "the cities lie here very thick and the very many villages that 
are here, are everywhere so full of people . . . that the very 
least of them contained above fifteen thousand inhabitants." 28
Population estimates vary, curtained by the dust of antiquity, 
but in every case they were so considerable as to cause the modern 
observer to gasp. In an age where opportunities for sustaining 
concentrated industrial populations were largely non-existent, 
the land certainly maintained a per capita density incomparably 
larger than that which allegedly overcrowds it today.
Diodorus, Strabo, Tacitus, and Dio Cassius all agree that "the 
population to the square mile was larger in Palestine than in any 
other portion of the Roman dominion." 24
In Exod. 12:37 we are told that there were "about 600,000 on 
foot that were men, besides women and children" plus "a mixed 
multitude" that went up from Egypt. Chron. 21:5 asserts that 
when David numbered the people, including the soldiery, or 
those who were called into the actual service of the King in due 
course, month by month throughout the year, "all they of Israel
were 1,100,000 that drew sword; and of Judah, 475,000," exclusive 
of Levi and Benjamin. Josephus estimates the number shut 
up in Jerusalem during the siege by Titus at 2,700,000. 25 From 
the figures he gives, Galilee alone must have held fully 3,000,000 
people, while the whole of Palestine could be conservatively estimated 
at at least 12,000,000.
Certainly if one may judge from Roman accounts of the wars 
with Judea, where figures running into the millions were given 
for the slain, and the numbers sold into captivity ran into legions, 
these figures are not incredible .
If the Jews are to return to become a collective force in the 
world of men, they will beyond doubt resuscitate their ancient 
law. Prof. A. A. Berle points out that "that law, only vaguely 
understood, and of only very limited application in world history, 
will have then a full exposition and a thorough working out in 
terms of modern life." 26 An increasing army of educators, disgusted 
with the tyrannical and unpleasant philosophies which are 
blasting civilization to its foundations, see in the Hebrew laws the 
elements for a social regeneration of this sick world . "Certainly,"
says Berle, "many of the laws relating to the ordinary life and 
relations of mankind, as laid down in ancient Mosaic law, if applied 
to a modern city block, would regenerate it root and 
branch ."
Most of what passes for a history of the Hebrew people has 
been filtered through hostile Greek and Roman sources and
through the hardly less hostile bias of medieval Christianity. The 
significance of Hebrew genius in relation to its peculiar understanding 
of cultural values is hence not generally understood.
Dr. Marion E . Cady says of this situation that "now it is being 
fearlessly asserted that as in religion, so in education, the Jews 
have made the greatest contribution of any nation, ancient, medieval 
or modern." 27 Prof. E. C. Baldwin of Illinois University 
concludes that "modern culture, both artistic and ethical, goes 
back to Athens and to Jerusalem, but that English culture owes 
far more to the Hebrew than to the Greeks ." 28 And Dr. F. T.
Lamb asserts that "if our boys and girls were trained as Jesus was 
trained up to twelve years of age, they would be in every desirable 
respect greatly the superior of the boys and girls trained under 
the best methods of the present day." 29
The essential core of the Hebrew idea was the superiority of 
reason. That system of life which is commonly called Judaism, 
was in the most real sense no religion at all . It was never formal, 
abstract and separated from life, but a throbbing and vital part of 
it. It was completely unlike pure theological systems such as 
that evolved by the Greeks - which, attempting to reconcile 
themselves with the world in its broadest sense, found religious
inheritance irreconcilable with rational thinking . It is necessary 
to understand Judaism in this sense, as a civilization rather than a 
religion, in order to grasp adequately the dynamics and vitality 
which have kept Zionism consciously alive over this great lapse 
of years . Judaism was concerned deliberately with the quality
of living on this earth, with the bringing of every phase of existence 
into relation with eternal truth. "It is worth remarking," 
comment Graham and May, "that no matter to what heights of social 
vision and spiritual exaltation the Hebrew seer might climb, he 
never lost that urge toward physical well-being which had impelled 
his remote ancestors to venture into the Promised Land .
In the same breath in which he speaks of multitudes streaming to 
Zion to commune with God, he mentions the vine and the fig tree 
which every citizen may call his own." 30
"The drift of all Hebrew thinking," says MacDonald, "as
thinking, was to link up morals and intelligence." 31 Judaism
significantly regarded stupidity as the source of evil in individual 
man. A sinner was a blunderer and not a rational person, and the 
ultimate morality was not to be a fool. Worshiping Reason, 
the Hebrew could not credit anything which was either irrational 
or static. To his mind, nothing existed rigid and unalterable in a 
state of `being,' but only of `becoming.'
The great Rabbi Hillel, who preceded Jesus by a generation, 
typified this remarkable viewpoint. Asked by a heathen who 
wished to make sport of him, to be taught the whole Torah 32 
while standing on one foot, the gentle Hillel replied: "What is 
hateful to thee do not to others. This is the whole Torah. The 
rest is merely commentary."
While the Hebrew concept regarded all life forces as constituting 
one unity not capable of being subdivided on varying moral 
bases to suit varying emergencies and occasions, it was irrevocably 
anchored in an implicit belief in the sacredness of the individual 
personality.     At a time when Romans compelled gladiators to
slaughter each other for sport in the arenas, when material appetites 
and gross oppressions were the elements of universal law, 
this free people was living in accordance with a code which for 
sheer gallantry of expression has had no equal before - nor perhaps
A spirit of mercy and humanity pervaded the Hebrew
legal system. In Jewish law there was never such a thing
as legal justification for inequality. No man could vindicate an 
act of injustice by an appeal to law. Complete equality before 
the bar of justice was the right of all from humble herdsman to 
The Deuteronomic Code declares no single witness sufficient 
to convict a man of wrongdoing. 
Malicious witnesses 
were severely dealt with. 
"A straying animal must be taken up 
and returned to its owner, and if a beast has fallen under a burden 
the passerby must aid the owner in raising it to its feet again." 33
This applied also to lost articles and provided that if the owner 
were unknown the finder must care for them until the owner 
Israel had a real love for animals. The law required a man
to hasten to the aid of any beast, even if it belonged to an enemy, 
that was sinking under its load; 36 a sense of justice that to
even extended to the threshing floor where the law provided that 
"thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the grain." 38
Love of the resident alien is explicitly demanded in Dent . 19:33; 
Deut. 10:19 and Exod. 22:21; 23:9. The duty of treating strangers, 
together with orphans and widows, with justice, mercy and 
generosity is emphasized, decreeing that the gleanings of grain 
fields, orchards and vineyards must be left free for them to gather 
and enjoy. 37 The taking of interest on loans to the poor is forbidden.
38 Runaway slaves must be received and treated kindly
and are not to be surrendered to their owners or oppressed. 39
More amazing still, in an ancient world of cruelty and ruthlessness, 
are the injunctions of Dent. 24:16, where the principle of 
individual responsibility is laid down, so that a relative may not be 
punished for the misdeeds of a son - in striking contrast with 
practices in operation even today in such allegedly civilized states 
as Russia and Germany. Reverence for the aged is strictly enjoined,
as is the use of just weights and measures. The animism
still practiced throughout Europe and in parts of America, is declared 
strictly illegal. Prohibited also are practices of magic, 
spiritism, and pagan rites of communion with departed spirits .40
Uncleanliness is completely discountenanced . In his splendid 
book, Medicine in the Bible, Dr. Charles Brim details the amazing 
medical knowledge and sanitary understanding of the ancient Israelites.
Says Dr. Victor Robinson in this regard: "There are
passages in the Pentateuch which deserve a place in the Corpus 
Hippocraticum." 41 And Col. Edgar Erskine Hume avers that 
every principle of modern military sanitation was known and 
used by Moses.
Hebrew law also emphasized good breeding, as: "Let another 
man praise thee and not thine own mouth," 42 or: "When thou 
sittest among many, reach not thine hand out first of all ." 43
Education was widely diffused. The sons of rich families had 
their tutors, while parents in more modest circumstances taught 
their own children. Those who could afford it wore handsome 
clothing of various colors and often the outer garment was embroidered 
with gold. Everywhere and at all times song and music 
were to be found . The harp or organ was one of the many
i z
instruments known. We hear of pipes, psalteries, cymbals and 
trumpets, all of which required skill in playing and therefore implied 
instruction." Music seems to have been the joyous climax 
of all occasions of public or private life. The international repute 
which Jewish singers had achieved is indicated from the inscription 
on an Assyrian monument where the chief item of tribute 
laid on Hezekiah by an Assyrian ruler was the demand for a
company of men and women singers.
Labor was highly esteemed. The Talmud directed every father, 
regardless of his social position, to teach his son some useful 
trade. 45 "The tradesman at his work," it declares, "is the equal 
of the most learned doctor"; and avers that "he who derives his 
livelihood from the labor of his hands is as great as he who fears 
God." The most prominent authors of the Talmud were in fact 
simple workingmen, shoemakers, iron workers, laborers; proud
men who knew no masters and brooked no slaves.

We can also conclude that among the Jews, women enjoyed a 
free and independent social position. Two of the twenty-four 
books of the Bible received their titles from the names of women, 
Ruth and Esther. There were seven prophetesses spoken of in 
the Talmud. Among them Deborah judged the people and went 
out with Barak to fight against Sisera. During the reign of Josiah,
Huldah was so highly thought of as to be consulted by the 
chief officers of the kingdom. The king himself bowed down to 
his mother, as Solomon did to Bathsheba. 
Wherever in Precepts, 
Psalms or Proverbs filial devotion is mentioned, father and mother 
are made equal, as is done in the Fifth Commandment.
Hebrews were never ruled like slaves of an Eastern despot. 
They were called into council by their kings and contended 
boldly for their rights. Decrees affecting the whole community 
were ratified by the general voice of the people, freely assembled.
This free people, for all their gentle philosophy of life, were al
ways animated by the spirit of liberty and inspired by the cry 
`To your tents, 0 Israel!' They knew how to resist oppression.
They were not overawed by the cruelties of Antiochus or Herod; 
nor, alone among the peoples of the earth, cowed by the might 
of Imperial Rome.
Specific legislation defined and restricted the powers of the 
crown, in itself eloquent testimony to the democratic spirit prevailing 
in Israel throughout the whole history of the monarchy .46
We search antiquity in vain for an example of free government 
comparable to that provided by Israel. In all the other States 
of the ancient world, the life, honor and property of the subject 
were at the disposal of the sovereign; but to the Jewish mind, absolute 
power in a ruler was incomprehensible. The power and 
authority of the king were directly circumscribed by law. The
highest executive, political and judicial powers of the State were 
vested in a council of seventy Elders (Zekenim) and a smaller 
chamber composed of twelve Princes (Nesiim), who together 
constituted the Congregation or Parliament of the nation. As we 
learn from Kings 21:23-24 and 23:30, it had the authority to 
make and unmake kings and on occasion actually did so. 
Sulzberger: "While the modern monotheistic conception 
of the universe is largely the product of their [the Jewish] genius, 
so the modern conception of the rational, democratic, representative 
government owes its origin to the same ancestry." And adds 
the famed Master of Balliol, Edward Caird : "It is not without 
significance that the great struggle for political freedom in this
country [England] was led by men who drew much of their inspiration 
from the Old Testament . . ." 461,
The bulk and mainstay of the nation were middle-class farmers 
and villagers, each one of whom felt himself equal to Caesar.
Tacitus remarks on their health and the fact that they are "capable 
of enduring great fatigue." Josephus describes them as a warlike 
people, greatly desired as mercenary soldiers and disliked 
for their arrogance and pride of race. 
The idyll of Jewish speculation was no Valhalla, but a time 
of grace when swords would be beaten into plough-shares and 
spears into pruning hooks .47 They were the first people in history 
who regarded their fate not from the standpoint of physical 
supremacy but from that of moral harmony; yet there was no 
people in history who possessed the haughty pride in race and 
the passionate love of country which continually distinguished
them. This passion of the Jewish people for Palestine is coeval 
with the Race and is disclosed in every turn in their history - a 
sentiment as enduring as the Jew. "How shall we sing the Lord's 
song in a strange land?" begins the Psalms. The Hebrews, a 
poetical people, addressed their country with all the ardor of one 
referring to a loved one: "Land of beauty!" "The princess 
among the nations!" "The joy of the whole earth!"
Coexistent with this infatuation for the country was an unbending 
love of liberty, so reckless and intense as to amount almost to 
an obsession. The Jewish greeting was Shalom (peace), but all 
who encountered him were shortly to discover that it did not 
mean peace at any price.
Situated in the very pathway of invading world conquerors we 
find this brave people again and again refusing to pay tribute or 
accept oppression. Typical in sheer pathos is the bitter rebellion 
of the little country, under King Jehoiachim, against the 
world power of Babylon during the reign of the omnipotent
Nebuchadnezzar; and nine years later, under King Zedekiah, the 
doughty refusal to pay tribute. Enraged at the unaccountable 
nature of this long and obstinate defense against his advancing 
hordes, the lordly Chaldean determined that the city of Jerusalem 
should be no more inhabited. He ordered it leveled to the 
ground. An indiscriminate massacre took place and those who
survived were carried off into captivity. The entire country 
laid in ruins and all that would burn was put to the torch. 
prophet Jeremiah, witness to the destruction, wept: "How doth 
the city sit solitary that was full of people; . . . What thing shall 
I liken to thee, 0 daughter of Jerusalem? . . . Our inheritance 
is turned to strangers, our houses to aliens." 48
Nebuchadnezzar thought he had put a final end to this rebellious 
and irreconcilable people; but not more than fifty years 
later he who by his own claim sat at the right hand of God, became 
with all his works only a memory and the Jews returned
to Palestine. The mighty one had fallen in 539 B.C. to the Persian 
Cyrus, who was happy to have a nation settled in this seaboard 
province bound to him by the thongs of gratitude.
Typical again of the magnificent character of this race were 
their later wars under Judas, son of Mattathias, who was surnamed 
Maccabeus. A new conqueror had risen in the shape of 
Antiochus, the Syrian Greek. 
Now was to begin the first of 
those world struggles in which the force of idea was advanced as 
taking precedence over that of inherent personality. This war
was fought to stem the sweeping onrush of Hellenism by which 
the known world seemed about to be engulfed.
With a small group of his determined followers Judas refused 
to yield. Attacking giant armies again and again with his little 
band of guerrilla fighters, he won a succession of victories. The 
Syrian in a towering rage at this lilliputian effrontery, declared 
his intention of utterly exterminating every individual of the 
Jewish people. He invaded with the enormous armies so characteristic
of despots of the period.
Able to muster but a handful of ill-equipped men, Judas was 
counseled to retreat. He replied with characteristic recklessness
: "If our time has come to die, let us die; but let it never be 
said of us that we turned our back on an enemy." With only 
eight hundred men he attacked the invading legions near Adorsa.
Here, fighting grimly to the last, the stern company gave up their 
lives. But the miracle had happened: the invader, nonplussed 
by the unexpected nature of this furious resistance, was stopped 
dead in his tracks. Jonathan, brother of Judas, took up the struggle.
The Syrian levies, dismayed and beginning to believe they 
were fighting devils instead of men, gave the matter over as a bad 
business and went into retreat .49 Once more Jews saluted each
other with the old greeting of Shalom and began to build where
they had left off.
It was inevitable that the lengthening shadow of Rome should
fall on this little land which, for all its smallness, was yet the
crossroads of the world and necessary for anyone who would hold
a firm grip on the rich hinterland of Asia and Africa . The times
were turbulent . The Maccabean princes themselves were in civil
war, Hyrcanus warring against his brother, Aristobulus II . Finally
the two brothers entreated the assistance of Pompey, then
commander-in-chief of the Roman troops in the East, and elected
him arbiter of their mutual differences . The consequences of
this step were fatal to the Jews . Pompey with true Roman forthrightness,
finding the place pleasant, decided to remain . He
therefore invested Jerusalem on his own account . The Jews,
trapped by their own folly, put up their usual stiff resistance and
the usual slaughter ensued. "The constancy and unshaken firmness"
of the defenders, says an account of the siege, "excited the
astonishment and admiration of the conquerors" who, however,
with fine circumspection, were not so abashed as to omit reducing
the country to the status of a Roman province and exacting
a crushing tribute . This was about 63 B.c., after the Jews had
enjoyed scarcely a hundred years of freedom .
Under Herod, who was soon to sit on the Jewish throne as a
Roman puppet, a conscious policy was adopted aimed at denationalizing
this dynamic people. In despair the frantic nation
writhed and spat in every direction like a caught wildcat . Continuous
sullen insurrection made the air electric . A large number
of Jews turned in sheer weariness from what was evidently a
hopeless struggle, to a desire for a world religion where peace
and justice would reign once more. The new prophet, Joshua
of Nazareth whom the Greeks called Jesus, arose to interpret
this new direction of Jewish hope . He preached to a rebellious,
crushed and unhappy people, his own nation, a class whose stake
in the world had been gradually destroyed . Reason had spoken
against the futility of attempting to maintain a Culture and State
independent of the redemption of unhappy mankind the world
over. They turned to this great new prophet, confidently considering
the national devotion of the rest of Jewry as so much
outworn, reactionary adherence to a social order clearly failing
and soon to be outmoded in the coming brotherhood of man .
The Jews of the Dispersion carried the new faith with them and
"formed the bridge across which Christianity entered the Roman
world." 50 It was from the synagogues of the far shores of the
Mediterranean that its gospel of world brotherhood was fervently
proclaimed, so that for generations there was so little difference
between Jew and Christian that both factions attended the same
synagogues together. Had anyone told the followers of this new
idyllic creed that in its name their brother Jews would one day
be flayed alive and boiled in oil, he would have been considered
a lunatic .
In Judea itself things went from bad to worse . One Roman
governor outdid the other in cruelty and rapacity . The whole
Hebraic conception of life crumbled under an onslaught of graft,
lust, sabotage and provocation . The old courtly idea of Jewish
ethics became a liability ; dishonesty and venality were soon recognizable
as the only guides to a comfortable existence, and began
to corrupt the character of the people themselves . The
country was overrun with robbers, and justice was sold to the
highest bidder . Great numbers of the wretched Jews, unable
to stand this intolerable situation any longer, emigrated .
These were the conditions that preceded the disastrous war
which desolated Jewry and dispersed the Jews. Goaded to wild
desperation they rose once more in insurrection, a rebellion the
most desperate of any recorded in history .
Ironically enough, Agrippa II, descendant of the Maccabean
kings, thoroughly Latinized, joined with the Romans . Attempting
to show the rebels the folly of opposing the conquerors of the
world, he urged them to lay down their arms and submit. The
reply was open defiance .
Retaliating, the Romans massacred almost a hundred thousand
Jews. The hills around Jerusalem were turned into a forest of
crosses on which despairing patriots paid in last full agony for
their devotion .
The rebels however were made of stuff that was not to be
cowed by these punitive measures . They attacked with such indomitable
fury that they soon held a large section of the country .
Enraged by this unheard-of insolence, Cestius Gallus invaded
from Syria with an immense army, burning all the towns and vilTHE
1 7
lages on his way and slaughtering the inhabitants . Investing
Jerusalem, he was to his own astonishment defeated and put to
The Emperor Nero, puzzled by this extraordinary occurrence,
wisely decided to take no chances . He appointed the great General
Vespasian to prosecute the war, who again laid siege to the
Meanwhile the Jews were wasting their strength and resources
in internal quarrels. Within the city sanguinary civil wars
and sub-civil wars rent to shreds the defenders, who displayed
a common front only when the invaders were visible beneath the
walls. When the Romans had been driven back, these fraticidal
contests were at once resumed .
The attack was now in the hands of Titus, Vespasian's son .
Grown weary of this interminable investure, he attempted to
parley with the insurgents, who contemptuously refused any
terms whatsoever save unconditional freedom . Finally, as a result
of the continuing internal struggles of the defenders themselves,
the city fell. Josephus graphically pictures the indescribable
events that followed : "One would have thought that the hill
itself on which the Temple stood was seething hot, full of fire
in every part, yet there was more blood than fire, and those that
were slain were more in number than those who slew them . Nowhere
was the ground visible, so covered was it with the dead
. . . but Simon and John were still living, and a few brave men
were with them, who took up a position in the Upper City, on
the Hill of Zion, and still held out. For the last time Titus . . .
again offered terms to the insurgents ." They declined them, and
eighteen days later the Holy City of the Jews was at last subdued .
Refusing all mercy, the defenders had fought for every house
on every street . It is said that 1,ioo,ooo Jews were slaughtered .
And Josephus assures us that there was no place in the land which
did not suffer the same calamities as the Capital . "The Romans
pursued, took, and slew them everywhere ." 52 They were without
question the most formidable opponents that Rome had ever
encountered, and Roman hatred for these bitter rebels extended
even to foreign parts . Great massacres took place in Egypt and
Cyrene. Tremendous numbers were taken away as captives, to
fight as gladiators in the public theater or to be devoured by wild
beasts .
Living symbol of the indomitable Semitic spirit, three fortresses
still held out to the end. The last to be taken, Masada, under
the command of the lion-hearted Eleazor, maintained itself for
long months as an island of resistance after the sea around it had
been beaten into submission. Rather than surrender, the defenders
slew each other, the last survivor defiantly setting fire to the
castle before executing himself . So they fell, writes Tacitus,
"with swords in their hands, contending for liberty, and, in the
act, preserving it. . ." 63
It had taken Titus more than seven years to subdue a tiny
corner of the earth whose inhabitants had not much more to offer
in arms and battlements than their simple valor . Returning to
Rome, the weary conqueror caused an arch to be erected to commemorate
the event, a recognition only given to honor a victory
over great and formidable enemies .
Large numbers of Jews who had escaped the destruction sought
asylum in various parts of the world . The dispersion had begun
in earnest.
Even these catastrophic losses did not serve to break the Jewish
spirit. Scarcely a generation had passed when the same old revolt
broke out again, more tempestuous than ever (A.D. II6) .
This time the dispersed Jews suddenly rose in blazing fury to
aid their brothers who had been struggling in Judea . "Myriads,"
says Eusebius, "had already been killed in the past seventeen
years." There is plenty of evidence that the Jews did equal damage
to their enemies .
Simultaneously the scattered men of Israel rose in mad rebellion
in the provinces of Egypt, Lybia, and Cyprus, determined
to recover their patrimony . They were led by one of the most
stirring figures in all the records of man, a new Hannibal come to
plague the Roman, named Bar Kochba. Eusebius declares in
righteous indignation that entire districts were terrorized by
their armies ; they "laid waste the land ." Whole provinces were
devastated in this amazing struggle of one small gallant nation
against the mightiest empire of the world . Bar Kochba had succeeded
in accomplishing the impossible : he drove out the Roman,
holding the entire Empire at bay, and set up a Jewish State . The
quality of the man may be judged from the prayer he is said to
have addressed to the Lord Jehovah asking that no assistance be
given to the enemy . "As for ourselves," he finished piously, "we
ask no help - we will take care of ourselves ."
The Emperor Hadrian was appalled . In desperation he set
aside all other tasks of state, concentrating his energies on the
business of wiping out Judea, which had now become a menace
to the very life of the Empire .54
For almost four years the contest continued . When finally
resistance ceased, Judea resembled a wilderness . All men capable
of bearing arms had fallen, together with their auxiliaries from
the Diaspora ; and "the unburied bodies of the hundreds of thousands
of the dead poisoned the air ." At the fall of Bether alone
half a million Jews are said to have lost their lives.
Such vast numbers were sold into slavery that in Rome a Jewish
slave was cheaper than a horse . Determined to put an end to this
refractory race, Hadrian devastated Judea and swept it clear of
Jews. He rebuilt Jerusalem under the name of Aeolia Capitolina
and issued an edict forbidding any Jew .to set foot in it on pain
of death . Such Jews as survived withdrew into Galilee .
It is interesting to note that to the Roman, Christianity was still
merely a schismatic Jewish sect . Even at that late date he regarded
Mount Calvary and the Holy Sepulchre as spots especially
venerated by the Jews . And in his anxiety to stamp out what
he considered to be Jewish rites, Hadrian built a Temple to Venus
on Golgotha or Calvary ; and in the Grotto at Bethlehem where
Jesus was born, the worship of Adonis was established .
Even after the ferocious revenge taken by Rome for their last
uprising, the will of the Jews for a free Zion remained unbroken .
Utterly ruined and bitterly oppressed, they still had strength
enough under the reign of Constantine to erupt again in open
rebellion in the Fourth Century A.D. The Roman Emperor sent
a powerful army against them, which stamped out the uprising
with indiscriminate slaughter . The survivors taken captive were
sold as slaves. But if the Imperial Government thought it was
through with this obstinate race whose will to national existence
continued without a State, without territory and almost without
human rights anywhere, it soon realized its miscalculation . The
fierce determination of the Hebrew to recover what was his by
main force, remained fiery and undeterred as before . When King
Chosroes of Persia proclaimed war against the Western conquerors,
the Jew, Benjamin of Egypt, created a Hebrew army of
thirty thousand desperate men . Together with the Persians they
conquered the larger part of Palestine and held it under Jewish administration
for fourteen years .
This was the last straw. Along with the barbarians it had absorbed,
Christianity had taken on much of the pagan hatred for
Jews. The monks had long been urging the Emperor Heraclius
to exterminate this obstinate people . This was their opportunity
to drive their argument home . When the country reverted to
Byzantium, the contentions of these men who alleged to speak in
the name of a Jewish Prophet, bore fruit. In one fell swoop
every right the Jews had to human existence were taken from
them and they were hunted down like animals . Those who
escaped fled to the arms of their brethren in Egypt and the Mediterranean
world to hope. anew. Palestine itself was now peopled
almost exclusively by Roman soldiers, Greeks and the inmates
of Christian monasteries . Thus the Jews defended to the last
their right to the land whose every stone they adored, and entered
the long trek of homelessness which was to be their destiny
through the ages. If ever sheer love, devotion, courage and sacrifice
spoke for a human right, it speaks in the wars of the Jews for
the heritage given them by their Father Abraham . In all the
world of fact or fiction there is no record like this . A man must
indeed be pulseless who can survey it without admiration and
The whole history of the Jew, if it has any meaning at all, lies
in a demand f or political restoration . Despite the spirit in which
Jewish history later began to be falsified, one may understand
that what these unhappy exiles concentrated all their hopes and
yearnings on was the dream of a reborn Jewish State . It dominated
the writings of the rabbis ; it permeated prayer and poetry ;
it was part and parcel of every expression of existence . "We cannot,"
they complained in prayer, "serve Thee according to Thy
commandment." And mournfully the Talmud proclaims : "He
who has not tasted the bread of Palestine does not know how
bread tastes ."
Their oath of fealty is famous wherever men gather who love
character and devotion : "May my right arm wither ere I forget
thee, 0 Jerusalem !" For a thousand years their toast and blessing
rang in challenge : "Next year in Jerusalem!"
Jews were buried with a bag of Palestine soil under their pillows,
that they might poetically have in death what had been so
cruelly riven from them in life . In Jerusalem where some few
stones of Solomon's Temple still survived the ravages of the
vandal, the Jew poured out his sad, passionate heart .'
No matter where the Jews lived, culturally and spiritually they
moved in a Palestinian milieu . "It did not matter to them that
Palestine was in the possession of Bedouin or Turk" - three times
daily the petition went up that her crops might prosper - exactly
as though the Jews still lived there in undisturbed possession .
"After each meal the Jew gave thanks for the Land as though he
were still living in it and enjoying its produce ." 2 He was certain
of again occupying it, and always remembered that he was in
exile .
The scattered communities of the Jews, until modern enlightenment
shattered them beyond recognition, were far more than
mere retreats of religious zealotry . They were rather an organized
attempt to continue their national existence in every possible
sphere and to remain as an individual force in history . All
through the Dispersion, from the captivity in Babylon, wherever
Jews migrated they sought each other out and formed themselves
into self-governing communities as a matter of collective selfdetermination
. Thus until the Emancipation the Jews were to
all intents a territorial group. The fact that they were distributed
in a number of pales or ghettos did not render a common territory
less of a factor in their lives.
The entire structure of Jewish existence stemmed from the
faith that the Temple would soon be rebuilt and the Jewish State
restored. And they wished to be ready when this happy time arrived
. Thus these pathetic exiles lived, like creatures stepped
from drama, and forgot the dreary present in dreaming of an
idyllic future which they believed near at hand .
One can readily understand the sweet Hebrew poet Halevy,
singing a thousand years after the Exodus in identical strain with
the troubadors who composed the psalms . All chivalrous hearts
must weep for the constancy and the beauty with which he lifts
his lyrical voice and cries : "To weep upon thy misery I am like
a howling jackal ; but when I dream thy return and restoration
I am the harp for thy joyous songs ."
So also, in this unbroken continuity of belief and longing, the
modern Hebrew poet Bialik, eye-witness to the pogroms of South
Russia, was to pledge his faith in the destiny of his people ; singing
in deathless words that unending claim which to the Jew is
his title in this world
"Thou wilt not totter, tent of Shem -
I shall rebuild thee .
Thou wilt yet outlive the palaces
As thou didst the days of the destruction
When the towers crumbled."
It is on this tenacious, unwavering concentration of hope, sacrifice
and prayer that the first part of the Jewish claim to Palestine
is based and not alone, as Judeophobes would attempt to make
out, on the mere existence of a Jewish State in remote antiquity .
Dr. Wm. E. Blackstone, quoting the foremost authorities on
international law, pointed out in 189 i that since the Jews never
gave up their title to Palestine, the general `law of dereliction'
could not hold in their case : "for they never abandoned the land .
They made no treaty, they did not even surrender . They simply
succumbed, after the most desperate conflict, to the overwhelming
power of the Romans . . . and were captured or enslaved . . .
Since then, having no sovereign nor political head through whom
they could speak, they have disputed the possession of the land,
by continued protest through their literature and their public and
private worship ." He showed that the Jews throughout the ages
have continually stated in the Passover service : "Next year we
hope to celebrate it in the land of Israel," and that other feasts
and prayers recount the same unbending sentiment, as, "Next
year children of freedom in Jerusalem! " 3
Blackstone quotes the outstanding legal luminaries of his day,
who agree that the Jewish claim was legally, at least, sound . He
points out that according to the logical precedents established by
such authorities as Buswell, Wheaton, Clifford, Phillimore and
others, "the forcible manner by which Israel has been kept out of
the land, with no means of redress, is equivalent in principle to a
continued state of war," and that therefore "limitations should
in no event run against them until they have had the opportunity
to present their claim at the bar of the only possible earthly court,
an International Conference ."
The greatest legal authorities have agreed that according to the
foundation principles of international law there is no basis for
prescription against Israel, either on the ground of dereliction or
of undisputed possession - that therefore the Jews have a valid
claim on Palestine as long as there is a single Zionist alive . Certainly
no more desperate opposition to despoliation has ever existed
in history, nor a sterner demand for restitution .
The British Government in 1920 recognized without reservation
the validity of this claim .4 It points out in clear, ringing
words that Jewish nationalism has been continuous, and refers to
the fact that it is "the oldest nationalist movement in history ."
No more thorough, comprehensive or understanding statement
of Jewish aims has ever been penned than this official English
publication which is now buried somewhere in the dusty files of
Despite the frightful suffering to which their position in medieval
life daily exposed them, the Jews maintained a vigorous,
colorful, picturesque existence in which their communal and personal
life blossomed out in rich and luxuriant beauty. Scattered
from the Persian Gulf to the Irish Sea, the Jewish communities
acknowledged equally a system of law that bears comparison
with the great systems of the world . With dynamic resilience
Jewish life readjusted itself to the new conditions, but carried over
with it the old Eastern civilization intact. In the midst of the
intellectual decay which overtook mankind during the Dark
Ages, it is astonishing to see Levi ben Gershon calmly asserting
the existence of primary matter, Hasdai Crescas refuting the narrow
concepts of Aristotle, and Rambam dipping his majestic mind
into the realms of psychiatry . Academic research and such modern
subjects as sex hygiene were part of the regular curriculum
of Jewish schooling . Every child was taught the Law ; and the
sages even implied that the study of the Torah and the observance
of its laws were more important than the ceremonies of Worship .
"All the mitzvoth [religious injunctions] are not equal to one
word of the Torah," says an authority of the Third Century with
sweeping bluntness .
It was in this vibrant atmosphere that Judaism thrived and held
staunchly to its belief in the reconquest of the Promised Land,
and not in the pallid air of religious zealotry which was later to
settle on its spirit like a sickness .
Behind the shroud of silence to which anti-Jewish bias has
consigned it, the organized civilization of the Jews during the
Dispersion glistens like a diamond . While all else was in the most
impenetrable darkness and ignorance, Hebrew writers and scholars
not only constructed original works, but studied and elab-
orated the writings of classical antiquity and rendered them accessible
to the Christian countries of the Occident . The Arab
invasion which followed the rise of Islam was instructed from the
same source . Jews wrote the first works on fevers and materia
medica and translated them into other languages . They founded
and supported the famous schools of Salerno and Montpellier .
Until the end of the Sixteenth Century medicine was almost a
Jewish monopoly. In all of the other arts and sciences, mathematics,
astronomy, physics, alchemy, history and geography, Jewish
minds excelled. Typical of the stature and enterprise of these
lordly exiles was the expedition of Columbus . The great navigator
himself is said to have been a secret Jew or Morrano . More
to the point, every officer on board the three ships was a Morrano ;
the nautical instruments, charts and tables without which the
voyage would have been impossible, were all invented by Jews .
According to the historian Francis Trevelyan Miller, Columbus'
ships were owned by the Jewish Pinta Brothers, and as for the
myth of Isabella's jewels, Herbert Adams observes that "not
jewels, but Jews were the real financial basis for the first expedition
of Columbus." 1 It is also interesting to note that the first
European to set foot in the New World was the Jewish interpreter
Luis de Torres, closely followed by the Jewish surgeon Marco
and the Jewish physician Bernal .2
The Jews left no branch of learning or science untouched .
Said Sombart : "Israel passes over Europe like the sun ; whenever
it appears new life shoots up, but when it is withdrawn all that
once flourished withers away ." 3 The German scholar, Dr. M. I.
Schleiden, declares that during the Middle Ages "the Jews were
the preservers of agriculture, of all large industries ." 4 And
Valeriu Marcu assures us that "the most important monarchs seem
to have been unable to manage without Jewish educators, advisers
and ministers. . ." s
In commerce as in culture, the part played by this expatriate
people was tremendous . "At all points where the formation of
cities was going on, where an urban community was developing
out of the former castellum of the Romans, the Jews contributed
a decisive element by bringing trade within the walls ." 6 This is
expressed in a truly classic manner in the words with which Bishop
Rudiger of Speyer opens his charter to the Jews in the year Io84
"Desiring to make a city out of the village of Speyer, I have admitted
the Jews . . ." Summing up their collective relationship
to a single State, Abbott comments on the expulsion edicts of
1492, that "the life of Spain went out with the Jews."
The distinguished character of this Hebrew culture is traceable
everywhere, where it is not hidden by slander and omission .
The personal life of the Jew was no less well-ordered . Until
later edicts ousted them from that work, agriculture was the most
highly esteemed of occupations ; and they practically held a
monopoly on handicrafts where taste as well as manual skill was
required . As a speaking instance, when the edict of expulsion
reached Sicily in the Fifteenth Century, the State Counselors entreated
the King to delay the measure, for they said : "Nearly all
the artisans in the realm are Jews. In case all of them are expelled
at once we shall lack craftsmen capable of supplying mechanical
utensils, especially those made of iron, as agricultural
implements and equipment for ships, galleys . . ." 7
Labor itself remained dignified in Jewish life, as it was in the
old homeland . Bespeaking this attitude, Maimonides laid down
the axiom that "a single coin earned by one's manual labor is
worth more than the whole revenue of the Prince of the Captivity,
derived as it is from the gifts of others ." 8
The sanctity of the Jewish home continued in undiminished
tradition . Nothing in modern life can excel the courtly respect
and single-hearted devotion which the Talmudic husband displayed
towards his spouse. "He loves her as himself," declares
the Talmud, "but honors her more than himself ."
All through this period the Jews justly prided themselves on
their fastidious habits and regard for the amenities . Cleanly habits
were in fact codified, and Jewish medieval law contained a
systematized scheme of etiquette, of good custom and refined
taste . It was not until centuries of ghetto life and cruel degradation
had rendered the Jews indifferent to their surroundings that
this old characteristic ceased to distinguish them .
It was the Fourth Lateran Council under Innocent III which
in 1215 made the first serious encroachments on the freedom and
possessions of the Jews, forcing them by decree to wear a distinctive
mark on their clothes, the so-called `yellow badge.' The
decree of the Synod of Breslau in 1267, prohibiting Jews from living
together with Christians in the Eastern provinces where
"the church was still a tender shoot," finally led to the establishment
of the Ghetto in all countries . The Jewish quarter was
usually situated in a disreputable, crowded, unhealthful section
of the city. It was guarded by night so that no one could enter
or leave. Its area was to serve for all time ; it was not to be enlarged
. Its narrow, crooked streets were always dark . In this
foul area where sunlight could not enter, there was no room for
trees, grass or flowers . Infant mortality was staggering ; the
faces of young and old alike were habitually pallid .
Deprived of all legal position and branded as incorrigible Satanists,
isolated like lepers from the rest of mankind, these proud
Semites found themselves unwittingly the prey of all comers .
The attitude of the Church gave pitch to the orchestra of hate
and despoliation in which state, city and populace largely participated
. Not content with humiliating and caging them like
dangerous animals, accusation upon accusation was piled at their
door. It was claimed that they made a practice of stealing the
consecrated host wafers, mistreating the body of Christ in them
until blood flowed forth . At the time of the Black Death they
were accused of poisoning the wells ; and lending tone to these
charges, in many places confessions were extorted from them on
the rack.
Jews were compelled like cattle to pay a poll tax, a heavy admission
tax, and a whole list of other imposts partly ridiculous
and partly humiliating . When they could be mulcted of nothing
further, they were expelled over night and their meager possessions
Even the written records of Hebrew science, philosophy and
learning, so lovingly and painstakingly collected, were prohibited .
A typical example is the decree of destruction of the Talmud in
France, in 1242, followed by the public burning of twenty-four
wagonloads of Jewish books.
In Germany especially, the massacre of Jews took place before
the Plague gave an added impetus to the pogrom frenzy . Murderers
and incendiaries were allowed free rein and in more than
three hundred and fifty communities the Jews were murdered,
drowned, burned, broken on the wheel, hanged, strangled, buried
alive and tortured to death for the sanctification of the name of
The entire world had become a horrible dungeon in which
this proud and intellectual people suffered the tortures of the
damned. They were exterminated in York and London ; in
Spain at the instigation of St . Vincent Ferrer ; in Italy where
John of Capistrano preached ; in Poland, Bohemia, France,
Moravia and Austria . They were turned into human torches to
fiendish rites from one end of Europe to the other, ripped open
with pitchforks and scythes, or beaten to death like dogs . In
France alone, during the reign of Charles VI, over a hundred
thousand Jews, totally destitute, were forced to leave their homes
and seek refuge in Germany, Spain and Savoy . Typical of the
period were the actions of Philip the Fair, who in the Fourteenth
Century had the Jews unexpectedly driven out to obtain possession
of their goods ; and that of Charles VI, who in 1394 again
decreed banishment and conversion of their possessions to the
State Exchequer .
The onrush of the Crusaders exposed the Jews to a new series
of sadistic outrages. Whole communities were wiped out in
cold blood, sacked, and forcibly converted . In the Rhineland,
and in France at Anjou, Portou and Bordeaux, thousands were
burned en masse ; and when in 1105 Godfrey de Bouillon took
Jerusalem in the name of Christendom, his first act of piety was to
drive the Jews into the synagogue and burn them alive .
The list of tortures and outrages suffered by this unhappy people
is unending . In 1336 a mob of five thousand peasants led by
two nobles, the `Armleders,' armed with pitchforks and axes,
traversed Franconia, Alsace, the Rhineland, Bavaria and Austria,
and massacred all the Jews of one hundred and twenty communities
in their lust for spoil. In 1298 a nobleman from Roettingen
named Rindfleisch, declaring himself appointed by heaven to ex30
terminate the Jews, marched through the country and for six
months committed the most unheard of outrages against his hapless
victims . One hundred and forty-six communities were reduced
to bloody shambles .
In Spain and Portugal during the Fifteenth Century more than
a million and a half horrified beings slipped into the crazy whirlpool
of the Inquisition, the auto-da-fe, torture, violation, banishment,
and death . In faraway Ukraine in the decade following
1648, the entire Jewish community, almost eight hundred thousand
human creatures, was butchered with revolting tortures so
hideous as to defy description . All over Europe the dread "Hep !
Hep ! Hep !" of the hooligans echoed in the dark streets of the
ghettos. In all parts of the Western world Jewish blood flowed
down many widely separated rivulets into one mighty stream . In
North Africa and the Orient, like a sickening flood, the same indignities,
cruelties and disasters overtook their fleeing footsteps .
Each new depth to which this once sturdy people were pushed
only served to open up deeper and unsuspected abysses of horror.
Forbidden to own land, to engage in handicrafts, deprived of
membership in the all-powerful guilds so as to be virtually excluded
from trade, harried, slandered and ridiculed, the walls of
the Ghetto held them like a prison .
The effects of this system of branding a whole people as a
pariah class were as deplorable as they were inevitable . The Jew
became the mark for the meanest of insults . He was beaten,
reviled, scorned and abused by everyone . This constant humiliation
and degradation finally brought him so low that he became
the mockery of mankind . He lost the courtly bearing, the refinement
of speech and manner which had always distinguished the
Hebrew character . Suffering and debasement had also wrought
vast changes in the inner consciousness of the race . Where once
he had stood on his native Judean hills, the fiercest, most intractable
fighting man in all the ancient world, long centuries of persecution
had made him submissive like a whipped dog . Meekness
and non-resistance became rationalized into a veritable philosophic
code. The once lofty Jewish mind hardened and beTHE
came grooved in a maze of ritual . Where once had stood the
proud gentility of Hillel, now huddled the wraith-like figure of
the pious Israel of Miedzyboz, who preached "humble submission"
and a dervish-like rapture of worship which could not but
have amazed the stiff-necked old Hebrews in whose name this
slave doctrine was enunciated .
The love of inquiry, the intellectual penetration traditional to
the Jew, was now transformed into an absurd concentration on
dialectical speculations. Deprived of normal outlets to his energies,
futile speculations and the splicings of fine theories became
his entertainment . The old great Jewish culture disappeared,
unnoticed, in a wilderness of stratified formalities, words and
ritual .
To complete this sorry picture of deterioration and collapse,
the strangled Jewish mind became obsessed by a peculiar indirectness
of approach to all problems . The most realistic of all peoples
became unreal, pedantic and mystical . All of these changed
factors of character and outlook are reflected in the development
of the Messianic doctrine .
It must be noted that the earlier seeking after a Messiah rested
on quite a different base . It spoke for the sturdy rebellious nature
of this people, that their thoughts were always on freedom .
It reflected a passionate desire for a leader who in strictly mortal
fashion would help them redeem what had been raped from them .
The remolded concept rested very subtly on a completely opposite
psychology, although the idea appeared to be the same .
The impatient rebelliousness, the stiff self-assurance, the commonness
of instinct, which had caused the widely separated Jews
to rise like one man under Bar Kochba, had vanished . In their
stead lived a new zealotry in which dogma and visionary metaphysic
vied for mastery . Like a dazzling light, blotting out the
sordidness of his surroundings, a deep sense of mission now enveloped
the befuddled Jew . With humble piety he conceived of
himself as the instrument whereby all the peoples of the earth, including
those who had abused and vilified him, would be led into
eternal gentleness and bliss. Thus tremulously awaithig the di32
vine deliverer lived the Jews, a great nation who had shriveled to
a caricature of themselves through the cruelest set of circumstances
ever to beset the path of man .
They had not long to wait . A whole host of Messiahs appeared
in response to this wishful expectation . From Abu Isa of
Ispahan in the Seventh Century, Zonarias of Syria in the Tenth, to
the shabby Zabettai Zevi, they periodically kept the Jewish world
in a fever.
Most notorious of all of these was perhaps Zevi, who announced
himself to be the Messiah in Smyrna in the year 1640 . Wild
frenzy possessed the Jewish communities . Shrewd business men
in Amsterdam, Hamburg and Venice disposed of their possessions
in order to be prepared for the hasty journey to the Holy Land .
Others subjected themselves to penance in order to be rendered
worthy of redemption . In the meanwhile the `Messiah' was
hamstrung by the Moslems, who gave him the usual choice, and
Zabettai, no martyr, became a Mohammedan .
The colossal collapse of Zevi sent a crushed chill through the
Jewries of Europe . They shrank like condemned men into their
hovels . Only an ironclad religious particularism could save the
Jew from the deep confusion and widening chaos which was engulfing
him everywhere . To this he retreated.
Two events conspired to put an end to the Ghetto . One was
the discovery of America, releasing vast rich areas for settlement
and exploitation . The other was the gradual dry rot which
overtook the feudal era and its master, the totalitarian church .
Out of the ashes of this decaying order gradually developed a
new force, the power of industrial capital . This new force immediately
discovered itself in mortal opposition to the entire system
of life the Medieval Era had erected, since it could only maintain
itself by free competition and continuing consumer expansion,
which meant the opening of new markets . The greater the
competition among merchants and those who held the power to
grant credit, the better would industry flourish .
The Ghetto was one of the medieval corporations which had
to go in the interest of a speedy evolution of capitalism. Though
it continued in some cities into the modern era, its fate was sealed .
It was this young and growing industrial capitalism which was
the great lever creating the modem democracies, and with them
the emancipation of the Jews .
The new system soon developed a philosophy justifying itself,
and fiery expounders of its tenets. "Liberty ! Fraternity ! Equality!"
became the rallying cry of the day . Leading in the van of
this movement, the French revolted and solemnly declared the
principle of the inalienable Rights of Man .
The question arose as to whether this queer race of the Jews
whose glorious past history was long forgotten, sunk in the torpor
of religious formalism, was capable of supporting such enlightened
ideas. Learned debates took place as to whether, if they
were enfranchised, they could take their place in an organized
secular society ; whether they could become soldiers, manufacturers,
artisans, professional men - in short, whether they were
capable of competing in the civil society which was to be based
on the new order. The atheist and liberator Voltaire considered
them dangerous and incurable reactionaries, a source of religious
superstition. Others like Tallyrand, Montesquieu and Mirabeau
asserted that the Jew must be included in the new dispensation .
Almost coincident with these events the American Revolution
exploded in the face of an archaic world and based its fundamental
principles on the same Rights of Man . Soon thereafter
the victorious young Napoleon was carrying the doctrines of the
new belief along with his cannon and gun-powder and putting
them into operation by force.
In this onrush of the Liberal spirit the Western Jew miraculously
found the walls of the Judengasse 10 torn down. They
fell before his eyes like the walls of Jericho, and he stood blinded
and unaccustomed in the streaming sunlight . The inner glow
which had made his world a place of happiness despite its drab
cruelty, was dimmed by the new glare.
Enthusiastically the Jews put themselves in line with this
glorious theme of world brotherhood . For the first time the
vernacular took the place of Hebrew in their daily life . The
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries were the age of Massentau
f en (mass baptism) . In Berlin alone it is said that over half the
Jewish community was converted in the course of one year .
Early an attempt was made to meet this wholesale desertion of
Judaism by creating a new and reformed liturgy and a new
attitude towards Jewish destiny . Inaugurated in Germany, `Reform
Judaism' quickly took shape as a creed . Jews who had
formerly considered themselves expatriate Palestinians who
would in the fullness of time be returned to their own country,
began to refer to themselves in Germany as `Germans of Mosaic
persuasion.' The question arose as in the emancipation in Holland,
whether Jews were a nation or a religious cult . This was
straddled at the Reform Conference at Brunswick in 1844 by
Ludwig Philippson who declared : "Every nation has its historical
mission, and the Jews have theirs . They are a nation
dedicated to religion ." This new attitude soon spread among
the Jews like a devouring flame . The fine old Jewish civilization
had finally become a religious cult, separate from secular
life, with an ordained pastorate and all the paraphernalia of that
office .
The last step in this denationalization process, in which the
Reform Rabbis led the procession, was the transformation into
metaphor of the doctrines of Jewish nationalism for which the
race had steadfastly held over so long a period . All that now
remained of laws meant to control the social and economic interests
of the Jews was dead ritual .
For a brief century the ideal of again making themselves an
individual force in history sank into comparative insignificance
and gave place to a desire to become adapted to environment .
Both the spirit and fact of Jewish history became falsified ; and
Jews endeavoring to win equal rights in every sphere of human
activity began to frame both their thought and action with an
eye to the opinion and point of view of others . As a living force
with legitimate, healthy rights of its own, Judaism was discountenanced
by Jews, who had transformed themselves into neogentiles
. It survived only as an innocuous shadow.
The inexorable forward movement of `toleration' hit its peak
immediately after the World War . Palestine was seemingly returned
to Jews who wished to go there . In the last strongholds
of anti-Jewish reaction, minority clauses guaranteed by the nations
of the world were put into operation . In Germany a Jew,
Dr. Hugo Preuss, framed the Constitution of the Weimar Republic,
hailed as the last word in justice and democracy .
Enthusiastically the Western Liberals and 'Assimilationists'
went to the very point of denying the existence of a Jewish nation
altogether . Learnedly they `proved' that a Jewish race
could no longer possibly be in existence .
Had anyone told these enraptured Jews that the last strongholds
of ignorance, meanness and tyranny would not yield but
would instead reacquire a vitality and strategy capable of once
more putting Liberalism desperately on the defensive, his only
reply would have been a smile of pity and commiseration . How
could they dream that the Germany of Mendelssohn and Lasker
would become the Germany of Hitler and Goering ; that
throughout the civilized world the old blood libel, the old mass
hysterias and slanders, the old inhumaneness and cruelties, would
be revived with even increased force and viciousness. All of
this was contrary to the rationale of the new order ; hence it became
schematically impossible.
While all this was happening, the torch of Jewish nationalism
distorted and vitiated, but alive, spluttered among the masses still
going about their daily tasks in the ghettos of East Europe .
In the wake of the irresistible Liberal sweep which was de-
Judaizing the Jews, occurred a most remarkable phenomenon
the Anglo-Saxon people, rising rapidly to world power, literally
pitched themselves headlong at the same time into a Judaizing
Aroused by such magnetic personalities as Knox and Tyndale
the British peoples retreated to creative Prophecy, to the stern
and simple democracy of the Hebrew Bible . The Old Testa36
ment in particular was studied with impassioned thoroughness .
James Truslow Adams remarks that "Christ did indeed occupy a
place in their [the Puritan] theology, but in spirit they may be
considered Jews and not Christians. Their God was the God of
the Old Testament, their laws were the laws of the Old Testament,
their guides to conduct were the characters of the Old
Testament."" "They baptized their children," writes Lord
Macaulay, "by the names, not of Christian saints, but of Hebrew
patriarchs and warriors ." 12 Even the old Saxon names, once
household words, were condemned to oblivion .13 "Cromwell
hath beat up his drums clean through the Old Testament," comments
Cleveland. "You may know the genealogy of our Saviour
by the names of his regiment ."
Every attitude of the aggressive young imperialism which the
Anglo-Saxon was erecting became tinctured with Hebrew philosophy.
So completely was it absorbed that a large section of
the English people began to look upon themselves as being actually
descended from Israelites . A whole body of literature
sprang into being claiming that the word British was derived
from Brith and Ish of Hebrew, meaning `circumcised man,' and
that the English were descended from the Lost Ten Tribes of
Israel .14
This conviction on the part of a large part of the British
public became so great that it resulted in the forming of `The
British-Israel World Federation,' at one time claiming over five
million members, and including such eminent personages as
Queen Victoria and King Edward VII.
The Hebraizing spirit attended other considerable sections of
the Reformation though it was particularly at home with the
Anglo-Saxon peoples, whose identification with Hebrew history
and philosophy became so complete as to almost appropriate it
for themselves . Lecky expressed this debt in the famous remark
: "Hebraic mortar cemented the foundation of American
Democracy!" In the same vein Ulysses S . Grant advised his
countrymen to "hold fast to the Bible . It is the sheet-anchor of
your liberties. . ." And Jean Paul bespoke his times when he
declared that "the first leaf of the Mosaic record has more weight
than all the folios of men of science and philosophies."
Protestant theology in particular, rested on the belief that the
world of mankind was evolving towards a millennium in which
holiness was to be triumphant everywhere, and that a primary
prerequisite to this happy eventuality was the return of God's
Chosen People, the Jews, to the Holy Land .15 Supporting their
position with direct quotation from Biblical Prophecy, a large
group of earnest men, divines, statesmen and writers, set themselves
to be the instruments to speed this desired end . Specialized
histories of the Jews gained wide circulation, and it was not long
before the political emancipation of Zion became a lively topic
in English politics .
By 1839 popular interest had become so intense that the General
Assembly of the Church of Scotland, after sending a special
commission to the Holy Land to report on conditions there, addressed
"A Memorandum to the Protestant Monarchs of Europe
on the Subject of the Restoration of the Jewish People to the
Land of Palestine ." From this date onwards a pro-Jewish Palestinian
discussion ran parallel in the London Times with the agitation
over the Eastern question .
The Government, taking canny notice of this body of public
feeling and being interested in the Near East on its own account,
commenced to take a hand. With the entry of the murderous
anti-Christian Mehemet Ali into Syria, the advocacy of Zionism
became quietly identified with English foreign policy .
Interest mounted rapidly in all circles . The statesman Lord
Shaftsbury became so absorbed in the project that he learned
Hebrew. The colonization expert, Colonel George Gawler, devoted
virtually all his time to this cause, firmly convinced that
Jewish repatriation was a political desideratum for England, conveniently
sanctioned by Holy Writ . A whole succession of
English representatives in the Near East befriended the Jews
and took an active interest in their cause . It became a ruling
passion with such men as Laurence Oliphant and the archaeologist
Conger .
A mountain of literature and a whirlpool of activity had by
now been brought to bear on the matter . All these writers and
orators pointed out the desolate, empty, semi-savage condition of
the country . Various associations were formed to agitate the
cause, and monster mass-meetings were held. English statesmen
such as Sir Samuel Montague guaranteed publicly that "not only
will the Jews be assisted in colonizing Palestine, but practical
shape will be given to their aspiration for the restoration of the
Jewish Kingdom ."
While the interest in the fate of the Jews was most spectacular
and deep-seated in Britain, manifestations of it were evident
everywhere .
In France, Joseph Salvador called for the assembling of a European
Congress to restore the Holy Land . Here, too, Henri
Dunant, founder of the Red Cross and author of the Geneva Conventions,
was an ardent Zionist . Napoleon also is said to have
contemplated the restoration of Palestine to the Jews. This is
reported to have been one of the objects of his ill-fated adventure
in Egypt and the Near East.
In America the second president of the United States, John
Adams, announced himself an ardent Zionist who "really wished
the Jews again in Judea, an independent nation . . ." The lively
sympathy for Hebrew resettlement is shown also by the petition
to President Benjamin Harrison submitted by Dr. Wm. Blackstone,
Chairman of the Conference of Christians and Jews, in
1891 . Signed by an imposing list of the greatest names in America,
clergymen, corporation presidents and public officials, it offered
an elaborate plan for Jewish colonization, declaring that
"not for twenty-four centuries since the days of Cyrus, King of
Persia, has there been offered to any mortal such a privileged opportunity
to further the purposes of God concerning his ancient
By 1914 a powerful non-Jewish public opinion, favoring the
enterprise as a rational historical development, existed everywhere.
In England itself, long habituation to this program as
well as what appeared to be obvious self-interest had committed
British policy to it.
As unaware of all this as if it had taken place on Mars, a wholly
independent movement began stirring in the Hebrew ghettos .
As early as 1857 the Hungarian Rabbi Jehouda Alkalai suggested
the purchase of Palestine by a company to be formed for
that purpose, and in 1864 Professor Heinrich Graetz demanded a
Zionist solution for the problems confronting the Jewish race .
Others like the writers Hess, Kalisher and Smolenskin began to
voice articulate opinions .
In 1882 Leon Pinsker issued his volume Auto-Emancipation in
which he demanded that the Jews redeem themselves by their
own self-will . Like a lone tragic eagle, Pinsker gazed with tortured
sympathy at the misery of his people . Appalled at their
apathy and wretchedness he wrote : "Among the living nations
of the earth the Jews occupy the position of a nation long since
dead. With the loss of their fatherland, the Jewish people lost
their independence and fell into a decay which is not compatible
with existence as a whole vital organism . The State was crushed
before the eyes of the nations, but after the Jewish people had
yielded up their existence as an actual State, as a political entity,
they could not nevertheless submit to total destruction - they
did not cease to exist spiritually as a nation . The world saw in
this people the uncanny form of one of the dead walking among
the living. The ghostlike apparition of a people without unity
or organization, without land or other bond of union, no longer
alive, and yet moving about among the living, this eerie form
scarcely paralleled in history, unlike anything that preceded or
followed it, could not fail to make a strange, peculiar impression
upon the imagination of the nations."
Finally fired by the atrocious pogroms that were taking place
in South Russia a group of intellectuals formed the Chovevi Zion
Society 16 which soon attempted practical work in the direction
of a resettlement in the Old Land .
Jewry which had been gazing on all these vague gropings with
tolerant amusement, living like a drugged man on promises of a
new world order where men would live like gods, was jolted from
this fantasy by two startling events . The first of these had been
the arrest, torture and conviction of the leading Jewish notables
in the city of Damascus, Syria, on a charge of having murdered a
local friar for blood ritual purposes . The whole Jewish community
was terrorized, with the agreement and connivance of the
English and French consuls, who stated their belief that the ritual
murder charge was historically proven .
In France, the very center of enlightenment, after a long barrage
of anti-Semitic incitement, the Jewish officer Dreyfus was
railroaded by a secret military tribunal in 1894, degraded and
condemned to penal servitude for life for alleged treason . Everywhere
press and populace placed the stigma on the entire
Jewish community, with the weight of the Government thrown
behind a deliberate persecution of those attempting to prove the
unfortunate man's innocence . It soon became so apparent that
the whole case was a deliberate frame-up that the ensuing hubbub
forced the authorities to retry the Jewish officer some four years
later, when, under farcical circumstances, he was once more sentenced
to Devil's Island .
The doughty novelist, Zola, risked his career by issuing the
famous J'Accuse, exposing the outrageous nature of this affair .
Arrested, he fled to England where he went into hiding .
After an agitation which convulsed the entire civilized world,
Dreyfus, who had been kept in an iron cage on the Island, was
pardoned, still unvindicated .
The anti-Semitic movement now grew with marvelous rapidity,
confounding every theory of the educators, who had held such
a result impossible. Jewry once more began to seek communion
with its own organic forces . The desire for a specifically Hebrew
cultural scheme in which they could live their lives out, began
to arise in the minds of the unhappy creatures groping their
way around tortured ghetto paths .
Sitting quietly in the press galleries during the second Dreyfus
trial was a young Viennese journalist named Theodor Herzl .17
A thoroughly Westernized Jew who accepted the Enlightenment
as a matter of course, he suddenly saw the Jewish problem
outlined stark naked. Returning to Vienna, his head full of the
question, all unaware that anyone had ever written on this subject
before, he penned his pamphlet The Jewish State."'
Friends, de-Judaized like himself, to whom he enunciated these
`revolutionary ideas,' counseled that he had been working too
hard and urged him to see the great brain specialist Max Nordau,
which nothing daunted, Herzl did.
One of the journalist's friends inquired anxiously of Nordau
after the visit : "What do you make of him?"
"Well," said Nordau thoughtfully, "it is of course quite possible
that he is crazy - but if he is, so am I, because I agree with
Tall, majestic, handsome, looking like an Assyrian god who
had stepped down from an old frieze, the magnetic personality
of this figure suddenly galvanized the incoherent movement into
action . Until then Zionism had been resting upon a vague
cultural-settlement base, with no definite scheme of control .
The great difference between Herzl's viewpoint and that of his
immediate predecessors was his pointblank insistence on political
guarantees before a single other step was taken . Claimed this
new master : ". . . the solution of the Jewish difficulty is the
recognition of the Jews as a People, and the finding by them of
a legally recognized home to which Jews in those parts of the
world in which they are oppressed would naturally migrate, for
they would arrive there as citizens just because they were Jews,
and not as aliens." With prophetic insight Herzl insisted on
complete political guarantees . He wrote : "An infiltration is
bound to end in disaster . It continues until the inevitable moment
when the native population feels itself crushed, and forces
the Government to stop the further influx of Jews . Immigration
is consequently futile unless based on an assured supremacy ."
His a priori demand was for "sovereignty over a tract of the
earth's surface that is adequate for our rightful needs as a nation ."
There was something almost omniscient in the man's ability to
peer into the curtained future . In a letter to the Rothschilds at
Vienna he pointed out that the Liberal governments of Europe,
apparently so firmly established in the prosperity of those days,
were not to last . They would fall and would be replaced by
tyrants, either royal or popular, who would be worse than
the aristocracies whom the parliamentary governments had displaced
.19 It took less than forty years for this prophecy to come
At the first Zionist Congress he predicted that the Jewish problem
would inevitably be turned into the problem of Zion. "We
are laying the cornerstone," he declared, "for an edifice that will
house the entire Jewish nation ."
On all sides the storm of opposition mounted like a rising hurricane.
Assimilationist rabbis thundered against him in their pulpits.
The Jews of Germany, where he proposed to hold his first
Congress, gazed on the man as a dangerous lunatic, so the historic
Congress was held in Basle instead . But he had gotten the
ear of the crushed Jewish masses and had touched their imaginations
as no figure had since the ill-fated messiah Zevi .
Abused and ridiculed as few men have been in history, Herzl
continued with his plan to attempt the purchase of Palestine, and
to form a chartered company which was to control and direct the
resettlement . He finally received an audience with the Sultan,
who placed an itching palm on the table . The Zionist leader
went out to find ways of covering it.
Jewish millionaires might have easily provided the 41 o,ooo,-
ooo demanded by Abdul Hamid for a concession in Palestine, but
they shied away from the idea . Herzl, hat in hand like a petitioner,
presented his plan to the philanthropist Baron de Hirsch .
The great man listened benevolently and finally said : "Herr
Herzl, I observe that you are an intelligent man - but you have
such fantastic ideas ."
In vain Herzl cajoled and pleaded : he could not raise the
money ; and in the meanwhile the `Young Turks' made an end
to Abdul Hamid and the Palestine negotiations together .
On the pulse of these events the British kept practiced and interested
fingers . When Herzl came to London he found to his
amazement that English public opinion, joined by a government
whose interests were coincidental to this scheme of development,
had created ready-made for him a galaxy of famous and influential
supporters . Powerful organs such as the Daily Chronicle
and Pall Mall Gazette were demanding the fulfillment of the
Zionist program and calling for a conference of the Powers to
consider it .
Herzl had already appeared at the sittings of the Royal Commission
on Alien Immigration . Given the honor of being the
first witness on the problem of Jewish homelessness and immigration,
he had been questioned closely by the Commission for an
exact definition of what was meant by Zionism . He replied
with his usual straightforwardness that it meant the establishment
of a Jewish State under absolute guarantees of political control,
and nothing else.
The British now took a direct hand and offered the territory
of Uganda in West Africa on a full autonomous basis under
chartered rights, "a recognition," states the official British Peace
Handbook No. 162, "that Herzl and his following were regarded
seriously in serious quarters ." Supporting the Government in
this well-intentioned offer was a young M .P. named Arthur
James Balfour.
But the Russian Zionists rebelled ; and at the next Congress the
whole Uganda scheme was thrown out. It was Palestine or
nothing . 20
Within the Zionist movement itself various schisms began to
develop . The widest of these, was that of the so-called Practical
Zionists who derived from the old Chovevi Zion Society . They
were bitterly opposed to Herzl's policy, were uninterested in
political guarantees, and stressed `cultural' and `practical' work .
One of their rising stars was the young chemist Chaim Weizmann.
Their leader was Achad Ha'am, a little pinch-faced man
with a goatee and the eye of an ascetic.
Achad Ha'am represented all that his arch-enemy Herzl would
never understand in his lifetime. He was born in a little village
in the Pale and was brought up in an ultra-orthodox home where
secular knowledge was tabu . He literally concentrated on the
Talmud, and his knowledge of that book became so great that
local rabbis would come to consult him when he was still in his
early teens . He was a typical hair-splitter in words, the personified
ideal of the spirit of philosophic dialecticism in the flesh .
He considered all `political' Zionists to be barbarians . "What
we lack," he wrote, "is a fixed spot to serve as a national spiritual
center, a safe retreat, not for Jews, but for Judaism . . . The
foundation of a single great school," he insisted, "of learning or
art in Palestine . . . would be, to my mind, a national work of
the highest import and would do more to bring us near to our
goal than a hundred agricultural colonies ."
Fanatically understood by the queer type of scholastic whose
soul he interpreted, Achad Ha'am, if influence counts, was the
most potent of all the modern Zionist forces . Belittling Herzl as
a wild dreamer, his influence began to be apparent after the Tatter's
death, and finally triumphed . He was an extremist who
could care much for idea and little for men, a product and consequence
of that tragic pariah world into which the gentiles had
sequestered Jehovah's people .
Herzl saw what Achad Ha'am did not - what, indeed, he was
incapable of seeing -that a free and living culture is not the
source but the outcome of an organized and stable life, and that
this contemptuous attitude towards political control could only
end in one more ghetto - this time in Palestine.
It is the Hebrew tragedy that the manly Herzl should have
died young and the visionary Ha'am should have lived to a ripe
old age. On July 3, 1904, harassed and worn, the incomparable
leader suddenly sickened and died. He was then only fortyfour
years old .
The Zionist movement had already begun to be encumbered
with ideological contentions, and factions of various descriptions
. Its leadership fell in the hands of minor worthies, followers
for the most part of Achad Ha'am, who talked in learned
circumlocutory motions and all but smothered in the mantle
they had inherited . Even so, carried along by its own irresistible
momentum, Zionism continued to grow rapidly.
The name `Palestine' occurs for the first time in Herodotus.
Like its Hebrew equivalent, Pelesheth (Land of Wanderers), it
meant only Philistia . At first applied to a small section of the
coast it later spread to encompass the entire country . Until the
resurgent Zionist movement brought this area into the sphere of
world politics its identity was largely interchangeable with that
of Syria,' a generic term used to describe the entire region of Asia
Minor but later contracted to cover the confines of Palestine and
the block of territory immediately to the north of it .
With proprietary determination the Jew has always referred
to his homeland as Eretz Israel, The Land of Israel .' The Arabs
call it Esh-Sher (the Land to the Left) since it represented the
northernmost limit of their natural range .
By and large, this territory must be accounted one of the most
stirringly beautiful and, certainly, one of the most remarkable
countries on the face of Mother Earth . It is not to be wondered
by those who have seen it that "some of the finest visions of the
true age of reason have been penned within its borders ." 2
Here in matchless beauty can be found every climate from
tropical to sub-alpine, and a bewildering variety of flora and
fauna to match - all in a half hour's ride . It is possible to pass
through four different zones, from the scotch fir in the hill country
down to the date palm growing in its native soil on the plains
of Jordan.
The valley of the Dead Sea, sultry and depressing, lies thirteen
hundred feet below the level of the Mediterranean . From this
strange salt lake, almost visible to the naked eye is Jerusalem,
twenty-six hundred feet above sea level, where in the sparkling
night air one feels as if he could reach up and touch the cold white
stars . In the north the country rises precipitously to a height of
nine thousand feet above the ocean calmly sunning itself below,
and becomes alpine . On the central range, snow has been known
to reach a depth of nearly two feet . This explains the feat of
Benaiah who went down and slew a lion in the midst o f a cistern
in the day o f the snow . The beast had strayed up the Judean
hills from Jordan and had been caught in a sudden storm .
A fertile plain fronts the Mediterranean for the entire length
of the country except where rugged Carmel reaches down to the
shore . East of this plain, finally giving way to the mountains of
Judea, lie rolling foothills studded with rich valleys . South of
Jerusalem this range gradually fades into a forbidding sandy
waste of desert, what is left of ancient Edom, glowering in the
hot sun . In the north, the historic valley of Esdraelon, ancient
highway between the great land masses of Asia and Africa, splits
the mountain range which spreads across Palestine from Haifa to
In an area but little larger than Vermont this endless variety of
view seems almost theatrical . No other country can begin to
match it. None has a valley like that deep gash called the Ghor,
where bananas droop like lolling odalesques in the shimmering
heat ; nor a roll of iridescent desert like that which falls from the
multi-colored rocks of Judea to the opal shores of the Dead Sea.
Yet in these neighboring hills the climate is so temperate that first
rate apples may be grown ; and on the hottest days the nights are
cool enough to sleep under blankets.
The climate is divided roughly into a rainy and dry season, with
a short period of scorching desert winds called the Humseen.
The rain falling in the three winter months becomes a deluge .
Wild flowers follow each other in stunning confusion . Glittering
like precious gems, anemone, crocus, poppy, wild mignonette,
oleander and narcissus, sparkle in the sun just as they
must have once delighted the Hebrew women in the old days .
Overhead, birds of all kinds make the air gay with their limpid
notes . Whole hosts of harmless lizards of every color dart like
small genii across the banks of hedge and sward . In the wilderness
are tiny gazelles who look as if they had been painted on the
landscape. It is claimed that there are still wolves, hyenas and
jackals in the hills. Tristram speaks of foxes near Nablus ; 3 and a
crocodile is said to have been caught in the River Zerka as late as
the year 1902.
Beyond this eloquent native beauty, which the hand of barbarian
man is not powerful enough to destroy, the country has
been stripped and starved . In parts it is a veritable carcass of a
Travelers gazing on Palestine for the first time, aghast at its
stony hills and deserted valleys, invariably exclaim : "Can this unfavored
country be indeed the Land of Promise, the land flowing
with milk and honey ? "
The great oak forests of Gilead, Bashan and Lebanon are gone,
as are the groves of the Jordan Valley and the date palms of the
maritime plain. The Hebrew laughter which once came down
from the hills lives only in echo . These hills, once covered to
their tops with cornfields and vineyards, are dead . It is hardly
an exaggeration to say that while for miles and miles there is no
appearance of life or habitation in the hills of Judea except an
occasional goatherd, there is hardly a hilltop of the many within
sight which is not covered by the vestiges of some fortress or city
of former ages . Where now only forbidding rocks greet the
eye, the soil on their steep sides was once held securely in place
by ingeniously devised terraces .
The indescribably wild state of the country, before the Zionists
came, is pictured graphically in the chronicles of the last century.
Some of the descriptions given are almost unbelievable . Churton
refers to the plain between Jerusalem and Jordan as "bare as a
desert." 4 Walpole exclaims : "On my road I saw six ruined
towns and only six living persons ." s Mark Twain called it "a
hopeless, dreary, heartbroken land . . . inherited only by birds
of prey and skulking foxes ." 6 And that staunch believer in
Prophecy, the Rev. A. G. H. Hollingsworth, wept that "here is
one of the most remarkable and best situated countries in the
world, without a population, without resources, without commerce."
West of the Jordan even the surface ruins of cities have been
obliterated. Only the bare remnants of the once extensive He48
brew irrigation works crumbling on the hillsides, remain to remind
the traveler that once this country was populated by a civilized
people. Standing on the Moab hills and looking east, one
can see nothing but a tired, worn country, as naked of signs of
life as mid-ocean . In Old Testament times it included the fruitful
lands of Moab, Gilead and Bashan . That this vast region was
then one of the most fertile and populous on the globe is amply
proven by the multitude of ruins which dot its surface at the
present day. From a single outlook Merrill counted as many as
forty ruined cities and towns.8 Buckingham described "ruined
towns in every direction, both before, behind, and on every side
of us. . . There was not a tree in sight as far as the eye could
reach." 9
Even in early Christian centuries Trans-Jordan * was so thickly
settled as to be honored with the seat of a bishopric . Many
Greeks drifted in and settled among the Syrian and Roman elements.
After the Fourth Century, the Bedouin Arab inundated
the country and left it a wilderness again, as it remains today .
The tumbling remains of fine marble baths, great columns, evidences
of a cultivated life now hushed in death, are looked upon
by the Arab with uncomprehending eye . Merrill, with the hurt
conscience of a great archaeologist, complained bitterly that these
aboriginals were wantonly smashing the famous ruins.
At Jerash alone are remains unexcelled by the best antiquities
of northern Damascus. Throughout the length and breadth of
the land these relics may be seen, the names of many of them
forgotten. Polla, overlooking the Jordan, once a great city with
castle, colonnades and mausoleums, is now distinguished by only
a few pillars.
Today the very names of these places are forgotten . The
Bedu 10 herd their sheep in these deserted courts and make their
rude beds of grass among their stones . They extract the same
blackmail, and if it is withheld, sweep off the harvests in the same
time-sanctified retaliation . Their frail houses of hair had been
* Trans-Jordan, the territory of the Jewish National Home lying east of the
River Jordan (so designated to distinguish it from Cis-Jordan, the area lying
west of the River Jordan) was later detached by the British as a separate administrative
area under the name of `Transjordan :
there four thousand years before, and are there again today unchanged.
The whole of Eastern Palestine is incomparably more fertile
and better watered than the western third of the country . Draining
it are a number of large rivers, fed by innumerable springs,
filled with fishes and other aquatic life .
Travelers glowingly describe its rich soil and natural beauty .
Irby and Mangles mention "the vast variety of natural flora ; and
downs with verdure so thick as to appear almost turf ." 11 Lord
Lindsay declares that "the whole of the country . . . on the
east of the Jordan . . . is fertile in the extreme ." 12 And Merrill
comments that he has seen men on the plains of Gilead "turning
furrows which were nearly a mile in length, and as straight as
one could draw a line ."
This whole area across Jordan is one of the most favored territories
on the earth. It only awaits the coming of an energetic
and intelligent race to become again everything that it was in the
Historians agree that there has been no period since the time of
Joshua when there have not been Jews in Palestine . If length of
continuous settlement makes the case, Jewish residence of some
44oo years vastly overshadows any rival claim which can be offered.
The oldest identifiable community whose continuing record
can be established are the Jews of Pekiin, a village in the hills of
upper Galilee near Safed, a group which has not moved in two
thousand years. This settlement is referred to in the Talmud under
the name of Tekoa, and then reappears more than a thousand
years later in the narrative of an early Sixteenth Century traveler .
At Bukeia in the mountains is another ancient community of Jews
who claim to be descended from Israelites living there before the
Dispersion ; and the Samaritans at Sechem are known to have been
there since the days of Nehemiah .
All through the Dispersion, Jews sought to return to their
homeland . They trickled in from all directions after each catastrophe
in the Diaspora. Most of them succumbed to massacre,
forced conversion and disease . The rest were turned into brokenspirited
men whose cowed eyes became hypnotized by mere liturgical
The first practical steps for modern colonization were taken
in Russia where Zionism was growing rapidly . About i88o, a
group of students, mostly from the University of Odessa, formed
a group called `Bilu .' 13 They took oath to renounce their studies
and to devote their lives working at common labor for the reconstruction
of the Land of Israel .
Students with soft white hands and determined wills, began to
arrive in small groups . The great-hearted Englishman, Oliphant,
his head full of idyllic schemes for buying the country from the
Sultan, found a number of them stranded in Galilee . He helped
them found what is now the prosperous colony of Zichron Jacob,
near Haifa . Through him, also, the aid of the philanthropist
Baron Edmund de Rothschild was enlisted for the struggling
Soon at Petach Tikvah a thriving agricultural colony was established.
Jewish resettlement had begun in dead earnest . By
1883, three thousand of these hardy dreamers had landed in Jaffa .
Progress continued quietly and steadily . Arabs attracted by
the magnetizing vitality of the returning Jew began to drift in
from impoverished Syria, from Egypt, and from the desert wastes.
Palestine was making enormous strides . As far back as 19oo, a
British consular report recognized that "there can be no doubt
that the establishment of the Jewish colonies in Palestine has
brought about a great change in the aspect of that country" ; and
in 1904 another consular report reiterates that "the Jewish element
is spreading all over Palestine and represents today the most
enterprising part of the population."
Exports from the port of Jaffa had jumped to 0682,000 in
191 I, from C264,000 in i goo .* A Blue Book issued by the British
Board of Trade in 1911 acknowledges that "the chief feature
* The Palestine Pound is worth approximately the same as the English Pound
Sterling -or about $5 .00 in American money.
of the economic development of Palestine in the past year was
the Jewish immigration."
By 1914 the Jews had increased to over ioo,ooo . There were
now fifty-four agricultural colonies, with a total area of i i o,ooo
acres . New land was being rapidly purchased, garden suburbs
laid out. The all-Jewish city of Tel Aviv was growing out of
its swaddling clothes. The pace of building was feverish . A
great new wave of immigration was gaining momentum . Zionism
had seemingly won its battle and was about to cash in on its
investment of blood, courage, lives and money .
The official British Peace Handbook on Zionism thus describes
the settlements : "The Jewish agricultural colonies, which have
grown up during the past 25 years, show a level of agricultural
and scientific development far ahead of anything else in Palestine
. . . The colonies are inhabited by strong and healthy agriculturists
living in clean, well-built houses and possessing a high
degree of commercial and political organization as well as a distinctive
social life. . . The children think and talk in Hebrew,
and all the colonists possess the newly acquired national consciousness.
. . "
So stood the Jewish effort at reclaiming their homeland, at the
beginning of the World War, when they wholeheartedly threw
their destiny into the balance with that of the Allies . They had
already achieved a solid foundation for a sound national economy.
Soon they were to have the solemn promise of the nations for a
charter which would finally end the tragedy of Jewish homelessness.
Indirectly, the World War was fought for possession of the
Near East . The natural route for expansion of the mushrooming
industrial growths of Europe lay in the direction of the great
sluggish masses of Asia where vast consumer needs and untapped
natural riches excited the cupidity of Europe's imperialists .
All great conquerors whose interest was divided between East
and West have considered the possession of the land bridge between
the Mediterranean and the Euphrates essential to their
security. Assyria and Egypt spilled out their life blood for it.
It was pivotal to the empires of Macedon and Rome . Napoleon
made a desperate bid for it when his ambitious eyes stretched
longingly toward the rich mysterious East . It was the `Near
East Question' which lay at the bottom of the plotting and
maneuvering that led to the Balkan and Crimean Wars .
Here Great Britain, Russia, Germany and France engaged in
a sometimes open, sometimes hidden, struggle for the most important
intercontinental routes of this planet, and with them,
world power and influence.
Britain was aiming at complete domination of Asia . She already
held fabulously rich India by the throat . Her interests in
China, and in lesser countries, had grown to gigantic proportions .
The only formidable competitor who developed during this period
was Germany whose great commercial barons were now
looking at the wealthy East with scarcely concealed appetite .
The Kaiser and his entourage realized that here was the path to
power. Moreover, it was here that they considered Britain to
be vulnerable. The whole course of German policy centered
around the Drang nach Osten (Drive to the East), whose undeclared
objective was to cut the lifelines of British communications
with India and the East. Berlin had already established a
clear pathway through the Balkans . The dying Turkish Empire
was flooded with German generals, engineers, diplomats and
agents. "The Baghdad Railway was pushing rapidly down towards
Mesopotamia . When it got to the Tigris and Euphrates,
it would proceed to Basra, and thence, somehow, to Karachi and
Calcutta and Delhi . Everyone in Whitehall and in The City
knew that, and knew what it would mean ." 1
Here was the most potent threat the British Empire had faced
in generations. If the German plans were allowed to come to a
head, the Reich would be in an infinitely better position to deal
commercially in the East than Britain who held the paramount
political position. It would mean whopping big orders for German
goods of all kinds, from steel down to knickknacks . It
would present the threat of a half million Teuton warriors who
could be transported within a matter of days by train from Berlin
to the very gates of India .
It was imperative to British strategy that the German drive to
the East be halted at the gateway of the Asiatic continent . It
was apparent that Great Britain must control the Near East if
her Empire was to survive . Like two great patient cats England
and Germany watched each other, unspoken challenge, suspicion
and hate staring from their eyes . Another predatory creature,
the Russian bear, as well as minor scavengers, stood by . The
two feline antagonists had stalked each other for a decade, tensely
awaiting der Tag, when the fight was unexpectedly precipitated
by the explosion at Sarajevo which signaled the outbreak of the
World War.
Though the primary struggle was between the rival economic
ambitions of the English and Germans, the French too had their
eye on this strategic sector . In March 1915, Paris made a claim
for the ultimate control of all Syria including Palestine . In November
19 1 5, M. Picot again insisted that the whole of Syria down
to the Egyptian frontier must be assigned to France . Finally in
May of 1916, a secret agreement was concluded known as the
Sykes-Picot Agreement, dividing up the spoils of the `war for
democracy' in advance. Under this agreement Palestine was to
be made International, with the exception of Haifa and neighbor54
ing Acre, which were to go to England . The entire Mediterranean
littoral was to go to France, whose influence was also to
be paramount in Damascus, Aleppo and Mosul .
From 1788 till 1914, Great Britain had fought some twenty
wars to keep the route to India open . Now for this identical
reason, to put a complete end to the German Drang nach Osten,
she was fighting the Great War with Germany . With farsighted
suspicion she saw the friend of today as the enemy of tomorrow,
and looked askance at France and the French demands .
Anxiously the British Foreign Office began casting its eyes around
for some plausible method to forestall the ambition of its powerful
ally .
By the autumn of 19 17, after a startling attack by the Turks on
the Suez Canal, a wholly new idea had taken possession of the
minds of politicians and strategists . It was obvious that a protective
bastion had to be created to buttress the artery of communications
with India . Such a plan made necessary absolute
possession of the Palestinian coast as well as the Judean hills that
command it. Now, reasoned Britain's strategists, would be an
auspicious time to revive the old Palestine. In this way, instead
of the proverbial two birds who were killed with one stone, a
miracle could be maneuvered to make it three . First, an end
would be put to French pretensions to control over this vital
area. Scarcely less important, the enthusiastic support of the
Jews all over the world to the Allied cause could be gained . And
still a third factor, not to be overlooked, was the poverty of Judea
and the surrounding desert . If the Jews would undertake to
form a country here and would invest the necessary money, Britain
would achieve every result it hoped for ; and this ideal fortress
for the imperial lifeline, being self-supporting, would not cost the
Royal Exchequer a penny.
All this sounded too good to be true, and the Government began
putting out feelers to see if it could be finagled through . So
potent, in fact, did this new policy appear that already on November
22, 1915 a leading article in the Manchester Guardian stated
that Palestine must be created as a Jewish Nation to act as a buffer
state for Egypt, and concluded quite seriously that "on the realization
of that condition depends the whole future of the British
Empire as a sea empire ."
From a purely military viewpoint, the friends of this idea in
Britain urged that "the only possible colonists of Palestine were
the Jews." Only they could build up in the Mediterranean a
new dominion associated with Britain from the outset in Imperial
work, at once a protection against the alien East and a
mediator between it and England .3
Still other factors of pressing importance were at work . Lloyd
George, wartime Prime Minister, was anxious to bring over the
United States to the Allied side and was attempting to make good
on the propaganda that the War was fought for democracy and
for the righting of old wrongs . There was also the fear that Germany
itself would declare for Zionism . The German Government
was fully alive to the importance of rallying Jewish opinion
to her side . It was suspected that the Kaiser was thinking of following
Napoleon's example in his Eastern campaign . The German
ruler had once declared to Herzl, when the two met in
Palestine, that he was willing to undertake the `mandate' for the
Zionist settlement in Palestine if Turkey would agree .4 News
reached the British Foreign Office that Baron Rosen, German
Ambassador to the Hague, had been in conference with leading
Dutch Jews.
Aside from specifically British questions of policy, the hardpressed
Allied spokesmen were poignantly aware of the instability
of their ally Russia, in whose army six hundred thousand
Jews were serving, men who were fighting for a government they
hated, and whose success could mean nothing but degradation
for them and their families. The Allies were aware that the
propaganda bureau of the Central Powers was exploiting this fact
for all it was worth . Daily, proclamations were scattered over
the Eastern battlefront informing Jews that German victory
meant liberty for them ; s and in all neutral countries adroit advantage
was being taken of the propaganda story which set the
Kaiser's legions up as crusaders in a war of liberation .
Thus in a large sense the alliance of the Western Powers with
Russia was a direct liability, souring any sympathy either Jews or
Liberals might have had for their cause. This the declaration
for a Jewish commonwealth was designed to correct. Said the
British Foreign Office at the time : "The persecuting Governments
became our friends, and Palestine was a most important
factor in the war policy of the Allies ." 6
Among the details is a significant aide-memoire by the British
Embassy in Petrograd to Sazanov, Russian Minister of Foreign
Affairs, on March 13, 1916, reading
". . . Although as is known, many Jews are indifferent to the
idea of Zionism, yet a numerous, and the most influential, part of
Jewry in all the countries would very much appreciate an offer of
agreement concerning Palestine which would completely satisfy
the aspiration o f the Jews .
"If the above view is correct, then it is clear that by utilizing
the Zionist idea important political results can be achieved .
Among them will be the conversion, in favour of the Allies, of
Jewish elements in the Orient, in the United States, and in other
places, elements whose attitude at the present time is to a considerable
extent opposed to the Allies' cause.
". . . The only purpose of H. M. Government is to find some
arrangement, sufficiently attractive to the majority of the Jews,
which might facilitate the conclusion of an agreement ensuring
the Jewish support."
The rumors that Germany was attempting to get Turkey's
consent to some sort of pro-Zionist declaration crackled along
the grapevine route . President Wilson, raised on Bible Prophecy,
allowed it to be known in London that he would welcome
a British pronouncement in favor of the Zionists .
When the inevitable happened and the great Russian bear began
to collapse, the question of an alliance with Jewry took on
even greater importance . Jewish influence in Russia was supposed
to be considerable . Jews were playing a prominent part
in the revolution - but they were greatly divided . "Some were
for peace at any price, some for the maintenance of the alliance
with the Western Powers ; many were utterly uninterested in
Zionism and had found a messiah in Karl Marx . . ." 7 But the
great bulk of the Russian Jews were known to be Zionists ; and
with calculating eye the British computed that the alliance with
Jewry might have permanent value . Zionism became an important
political issue.
Negotiations were instituted with the Jewish leaders to sound
them out on this pressing subject and to determine their demands.
By February 1917 the way had been prepared for a formal meeting
with Sir Mark Sykes of the British Foreign Office . Soon
after, Mr . Nahum Sokolow, representative of the Zionist Organization,
opened discussion with the French and Italian Governments.
In July the Zionists submitted a memorandum to the
British Cabinet suggesting the formula to be used in an official
pronouncement of sympathy for their cause .
If the purposes and aims of the Zionist movement needed
clarification in anyone's mind, a circumstance at once occurred
supplying that deficiency . The intentions of the Government
were no sooner manifest than a loud and violent protest was set
up by certain classes of Jews in England, France and America .
Among them were the `new thinkers' who, enveloped in a cloud
of Marxist pharisaism, saw the projected return to Zion as a reactionary
movement which violated their `deep Socialist convictions.'
Others were the great capitalists, who were afraid that
any declaration in favor of a Jewish State might place their hardwon
social position in jeopardy . Included in this strange gathering
of the clans were the ultra orthodox fanatics who were
awaiting the divine Messiah ; and the Reform Rabbis whose
tissue-paper houses this new movement seemed destined to destroy.
The Conjoint Committee, the most influential of all Jewish
bodies in England, issued a public attack on the `political char58
acter' of the Zionist demands, asserting that the Jews were only
a religious community and not a nation . "The granting of a
charter for Palestine to the Jews," it declared heatedly, "would
be a disaster for all Jewry, since the equal status of the Jews with
the other citizens of different States would thereby be risked ."
Immediately the Zionists replied with vigor . The press of the
day was full of the argument, with'the Government and the entire
gentile world solidly on the pro-Zionist side .8
"Under the pressure of Allied needs," says the official British
historian at the subsequent Peace Conference, "the objections of
the anti-Zionists were either overruled or the causes of objection
removed. . ." s At that time the Zionists could have practically
written their own ticket, since there was no subject on which
everyone but the Jews themselves were so unanimously agreed
as the matter of a pro-Zionist declaration . The only powerful opponent
of this course in the Government was the India Office,
ultra-Islamic under a Jewish Secretary of State .
Although the members of the Conjoint Committee had been
hopelessly buried under an avalanche of public ridicule, certain
changes were made in the wording of the Declaration to placate
As early as October 19 16, the Zionist leaders in Britain had already
submitted to the Government a formal "program for a new
administration of Palestine and fo, a Jewish resettlement in accordance
with the aspirations of the Zionist movement ."
On February 7, 1917, Sir Mark Sykes communicated with
Weizmann and Sokolow, together with M. Georges Picot, representing
the French Government ." This was the first of a series
of round-table conferences . Its full minutes, as well as those of
subsequent sessions, were transmitted to the American Zionist
Organization by officials of the British War Office .
Throughout the negotiations President Wilson who, as early
as 1911 had made known his profound interest in the Zionist idea,
was intimately consulted ; and all drafts of the proposed Declaration
were submitted to the White House for approval .
The formula accepted in July 1917 by the British Cabinet
read : "H. M. Government, after considering the aims of the
Zionist Organization, accepts the principle of recognizing Palestine
as the National Home of the Jewish people, and the right of
the Jewish people to build up its national life in Palestine under a
protection to be established at the conclusion of peace, following
upon the successful issue of the War .
"H. M. Government regards as essential for the realization of
this principle, the grant of internal autonomy to Palestine, freedom
of immigration for Jews, and the establishment of a Jewish
National Colonizing Corporation for the resettlement and economic
development of the country.
"The conditions and forms of the internal autonomy and a
charter for the Jewish National Colonizing Corporation should,
in the view of H. M. Government, be elaborated in detail and determined
with the representatives of the Zionist Organization ." 11
One of the changes introduced to mollify the anti-Zionist Jews
was the substitution of the phrase "the establishment of a Jewish
National Home in Palestine" for the previous wording, "the
establishment of the Jewish National Home in Palestine." 12
By November 2, 1917, after its wording had been sufficiently
emasculated to suit the `ideals' of Jews all around, Lord Balfour
placed it in the form of a letter to the pro-Zionist, Lord Rothschild,
reading as follows
"I have much pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of His
Majesty's Government the following declaration of sympathy
with the Jewish Zionist aspirations, which has been submitted to
and approved by the Cabinet.
"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment
in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish people, and
will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this
object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done
which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-
Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status
enjoyed by Jews in any other country .
"I should be grateful if you would bring this Declaration to
the knowledge of the Zionist Federation ."
Ironically enough, the second part of the Declaration, which
was since construed by Britain to make it a self-annulling docu6o
ment, was inserted on the insistence of the Zionists themselves,
partly to meet the objections of Sir Philip Magnus, Mr . Claude
Montefiore and other powerful non-Zionist Jews ; and partly as
a symbol of that "nobility of social vision" with which the strangled
ghetto mind was obscured . 13
Written by Achad Ha'am, this proviso was not in any remote
sense considered as a modification of the Declaration but rather
as a polite sop to quiet the fears of the non-Zionist Jews, and an
equally considerate makeweight assurance to the various religious
communities scattered over the Holy Land .
All of these alterations and changes in the British Government's
commitment, says Herbert Sidebotham, then secretary to
Premier Lloyd George, "were inserted in deference to the opinion
of a minority, in the hope of securing complete unanimity
among Jews . . . It was certainly no British interest, either at this
stage or later, that weakened the scope of the promise and infected
it with ambiguity ." 14
The Zionist negotiators, naive and inexperienced, felt that the
introduction of these nice, virtuous phrases in their magna charta
was a fitting and seemly gesture with which to begin their great
adventure . Herzl, who had the gift of seeing beyond his nose,
would have known better .
In view of the cool disclaimers which were to come later, it is
interesting to note what interpretation was placed on the British
Government's Declaration to the Jews at the time . Whatever
bearing it might have had on the commendable questions of humaneness
and justice, it could hardly be regarded as a wholly
benevolent gesture. Balfour himself, handsome, clever and icy,
was no mere romantic. He who had pacified Ireland with guns
and was known as `Bloody Balfour' in consequence, could hardly
be accused of suddenly developing a philanthropic complex in
favor of Jews.
The benefits immediately accruing to the Allied cause need
hardly be argued . Certainly the tremendous number of Jewish
soldiers fighting in the Armies of the Western Powers were fired
by this warm earnest of good faith . Nor can one estimate the
weight of Jewish influence in neutral countries, which dropped
heavily on the Allied side of the scales. Nor the enthusiastic aid
given to the Allenby invasion of Palestine . Nor the stirring effect
of the Jewish Legion, fighting to right the oldest wrong in history,
on the imaginations of Jewry and the world . Nor the fillip
it gave the Allied claims when Palestine, the first conquered territory,
was trumpeted to all humanity as newly liberated .
Not only was the effect of this superb piece of propaganda felt
in all neutral countries but it was immediate in its reaction on the
morale of the Central Empires, with their stew of subject races,
accelerating the cleavage then taking place between the subject
nationalities and their overlords . Worthy of note, too, is the
boldness with which the German Zionist Conference in Berlin
adopted and cabled a Resolution "greeting with satisfaction the
fact that the British Government has recognized in an official
declaration the right of the Jewish people to a national existence
in Palestine." In fact, after the British announcement, the Central
Powers did all they could to win the Zionist movement over
to their side. They formulated a rival proposition, involving a
chartered company with a form of self-government and the right
of free immigration into Palestine ; and "by the end of 1917 it was
known that the Turks were willing to accept a scheme on those
lines ." 15
Wholeheartedly the great and important body of fundamentalist
Christian opinion, hating war for any proclaimed purpose, rose
to the bait. Jannaway expresses this profound conviction in his
book, Palestine and the World, asserting that Biblical Prophecy
was being fulfilled exactly as predicted, thus placing Jehovah
squarely on the side of the Western Powers.
"Indeed," says a semi-official British publication, "support of
the Zionist ambitions promised much for the Allies . . . That it
is in purpose a direct contract with Jewry is beyond question ." 18
This was acknowledged plainly by General Smuts, member of
the War Cabinet, who speaking retrospectively some years later,
asserted that "the Declaration was intended to rally the powerful
Jewish influence for the Allied cause at the darkest hour of the
War" ; a statement which David Lloyd George, Winston Churchill
and others, emphatically reiterated .
The Declaration was unreservedly endorsed by the other Powers.
On June 4, 1917 the French Government, through its
Minister, M . Cambon, formally committed itself to "the renaissance
of the Jewish nationality in that Land from which the
people of Israel were exiled so many centuries ago ." Even in
faraway China, Wang, Minister of Foreign Affairs, assured the
Zionists that "the Nationalist Government is in full sympathy
with the Jewish people in their desire to establish a country for
themselves." 17
In America, echoed by practically every official of public importance,
President Wilson wrote that "the Allied nations, with
the fullest concurrence of our own Government and people, are
agreed that in Palestine shall be laid the foundations of a Jewish
Commonwealth." In gratitude the American Jewish Congress
cabled H. M. Government, on November 2, 1917, its desire that
Great Britain should be given the trusteeship, "acting on behalf
of such League of Nations, as may be formed, to assure the development
of Palestine into a Jewish Commonwealth . . ." In
the United States Congress, members expressed general accord
with "the British Declaration in favor of a Jewish State in the
Holy Land." The minutes of its sessions show that this understanding
had not altered by an iota five years later, when the
American Congress was induced to put its seal of approval, by
resolution, on the selection of Great Britain as the Mandatory
for Palestine .
The utterances of the Cabinet ministers who framed the
Declaration were no less emphatic . General Smuts asserted
that "in generations to come you will see a great Jewish State
rising there once more ." Declared Lloyd George grandly
". . . Great Britain extended its mighty hand in friendship to
the Jewish people to help it to regain its ancient national home
and to realize its age-long aspirations ." Said Lord Robert Cecil
"Our wish is that Arabian countries shall be for Arabs, Armenia
for the Armenians and Judea for the Jews ." And on another
occasion he lumped the whole matter in a nutshell, telling the
excited Zionists : "We have given you national existence . In
your hands lies your national future ." Lord Balfour was no less
clear . "The destruction of Judea i goo years ago," he asserted,
"was one of the greatest historical crimes, which the Allies now
endeavor to remedy."
British newspapers were as one in their mighty paean of approval.
Without exception they spoke of "the new Jewish State
which is to be formed under the suzerainty of a Christian Power ."
Across the water, the American newspapers echoed these remarks
in the same expansive detail. A representative editorial of the
time explains : "The Zionists are that group of Jews who wish to
found a Jewish Republic in Palestine with Jerusalem as the capital.
. . The British cabinet has pronounced in favor of Zionism."
Anti-Zionists invariably stress the part played by the Arabs
during the War, inferring that the sons of Ishmael earned their
patrimony, and that the Jews, who had done nothing, insolently
demanded a chunk of the Arab pie when the spoils were being
divided .
Actually the Jewish share in the victory was significant, well
justifying in value received the solemn bargain made with world
Jewry to reconstitute the Land of Israel as a living factor among
the nations .
In the neutral countries the Allied cause, associated everywhere
in the Jewish mind with justice and equity, was given invaluable
support. Jews fought in the armies of all the Western
Powers. Over a hundred thousand Jewish soldiers were killed
in action . In the British Empire itself, out of a total community
of 425,000 Jews, 50,000 were in uniform . In true Maccabean
spirit they earned more than their share of honors and decorations
on the battlefield. One of them was the heroic Sir John Monash,
leader of the Australians .
Behind the lines, the Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann was the
genius directing the Admiralty Chemical Laboratories . According
to Lloyd George, he "absolutely saved the British army at
a critical moment" by devising a substitute for exhausted English
supplies of acetone, used in making the basic material in gunpowder.
Among others, Sir Alfred Stern invented the tank,
which saved the Western Powers from annihilation during the
latter part of the fighting . Solomon J. Solomon created the idea
of camouflage, allowing harassed Allied shipping to run the Uboat
blockade . Everywhere Jewish brains, money, valor and
enthusiasm were placed wholeheartedly at the service of the
Allies .
In Palestine itself, as a result of their commitment to the Western
Powers, Jews were tortured, executed and deported. When
the final truce came, fully half of them were dead or had fled
In 1915 Palestinian refugees in Egypt had organized the Zion
Mule Corps under the leadership of dashing Captain Trumpledor,
a one-armed veteran of the Russo-Japanese War . Colonel Patterson,
the British officer who led these men in the ill-fated Gallipoli
campaign, declared : "I have been in the army a long time,
but I never saw anything like the way those Zionists picked up
the art of soldiery ." For the first time since Roman days, the
Zion Mule Corps fought under the proudly floating Jewish ensign,
the blue and white Mogen Dovid (Shield of David) .
In the meanwhile a brilliant young Russian writer, Vladimir
Jabotinsky, had been scurrying around in an attempt to organize
a legion of Jewish volunteers from the Diaspora countries to fight
directly under the Jewish flag. With rare insight he pointed
out that words and promises were soon forgotten and that the
most enduring Jewish title to the Holy Land would come from
a direct investment of Jewish blood under a Jewish flag .
The influential capitalist Jews were aghast . They put pressure
on the British War Office to stop this little impassioned Zionist
with the underslung jaw who they believed was jeopardizing
their position in the gentile world with his lunatic nonsense .
But the British needed this Jewish regiment for publicity purposes
: they had made themselves the champion of the oldest betrayed
nationality in existence, impressive to the Poles, Czechs,
Armenians, etc ., who had been listening to the noble assurances
of the Western Powers with their tongues in their cheeks . The
War Office consequently overrode the objections of the anti-
Zionists and allowed Jabotinsky to form The Jewish Regiment.
As the protest of the scared English Jews became louder, the
regiment's name was changed to The Judeans, official sub-title for
the 38th Royal Fusiliers. Following hard on its heels came another
Jewish battalion, the 39th Fusiliers .
London was groggy with excitement . The official propagandists
did not miss this glamorous opportunity to exploit the
sheer romance of the historic occasion . At a giant mass meeting
seeing the Jewish warriors off, the Hon . G. N. Barnes, M.P.,
spoke fulsomely in the name of His Majesty the King . He eulogized
the Jewish soldiers as "fellow fighters for freedom," and
assured his listeners that "the British Government proclaimed its
policy of Zionism because it believes that Zionism is identified
with the policy and aims for which good men and women are
struggling everywhere ."
In Palestine The Judeans were joined by Colonel Patterson's
seasoned campaigners, the Zion Mule Corps . The Jewish national
anthem rang in their ears as they marched, and over their
heads waved the Jewish flag .
Wildly enthusiastic, the able-bodied Jews in the conquered territory
enlisted . With an appreciation almost reverential the
British Peace Handbook No . 6o announced that "the most important
event which has taken place . . . since our occupation,
has been the recruiting of the Palestine Jews, whatever their national
States, into the British Army . . . Practically the whole
available Jewish youth of the Colonies . . . came forward for
voluntary enlistment in the Jewish Battalions ."
The distinguished service rendered by these Jewish regiments
is indelibly written in the records . Said General Bartholomew
"For the Turks the end of the War was dependent upon maintenance
of the Jordan front against Allenby, and on this decisive
sector of the front not the Arab Army fought, but the Jewish
Legion ." 1 It was the Jews who took the fords of the Jordan,
thus opening the way for the passage of the British Army and
contributing in great measure to the brilliant victory at Damascus.
This was amply confirmed by General Chaytor, leader
of the Australian and New Zealand cavalry and Commanderin-
Chief of all troops in the Jordan Valley, who emphasized
publicly "the facts of the heroic struggle made by the 38th and
39th Fusilier Battalions," who had marched on to conquer Transjordan
and had thus contributed heavily to the victory over the
Fourth Turkish Army.2
Of fully as great importance was the voluntary intelligence
service rendered by the celebrated Nili Society all over the Holy
Land. Organized by the scientist Alexander Aronson, 3 its daring
exploits were largely instrumental in the success of Allenby's
campaign . Far from giving the invaders any help, the
Palestine Arabs were, as we shall see, either apathetic or directly
Spiritedly the Palestinian volunteers addressed themselves to
Colonel Patterson when he landed with his Jewish boys : "We
are convinced that Britain's victory is ours and our victory
Britain's. This war and Balfour's declaration have made us a
sister nation of England. We hope to convince by our fighting
that the soul of the Maccabees has not dried up and that we
know how to countersign Balfour's declaration with our own
blood." 4
They had every reason to feel `convinced .' In April 1917
the British War Department had issued a statement on War
Aims in the Near East in which it was proclaimed that "Palestine
was to be recognized as the Jewish National Home . . . The
Jewish population present and future throughout Palestine is to
possess and enjoy full national, political and civic rights. . .
The Suzerain Government shall grant full and free rights of
immigration into Palestine to Jews of all countries . . . The
Suzerain Government shall grant a charter to a Jewish Company
for the colonization and development of Palestine, the Company
to have the power to acquire and take over any concessions for
works of a public character . . . and the rights of preemption
of Crown lands or other lands not held in private or religious
ownership, and such other powers and privileges as are usual in
charters or statutes of similar colonizing bodies ." These statements
were simultaneously reduced by the Allied war propagandists
to brief slogans and exploited to the fullest advantage
Addressing the first Conference of Jews in the liberated area,
Major W. Ormsby-Gore, later as Colonial Secretary to suffer
a serious case of amnesia, orated for His Majesty's Government
as follows
"Mr. Balfour has made a historic declaration with regard to
the Zionists : that he wishes to see created and built up in
Palestine a National Home for the Jewish People . What do we
understand by this ? We mean that those Jews who voluntarily
come to live in Palestine, should live in Palestine as Jewish nationalists
. . . You are bound together in Palestine by the need
of building up a Jewish nation in all its various aspects, a national
center for Jewry all over the world to look at ." a
The marching Jews listened . The great dream which had
inspired the Jewish mind for so many long centuries, seemed
about to be realized. They believed Britain's word implicitly .
Part of Lloyd George's technique during the War was connected
with the old art of inciting dissatisfaction within the
enemy camp. This practice had proven especially effective
with the moribund Austro-Hungarian Empire, and several capable
agents, including the famous Lawrence, were sent to
Arabia to foment an insurrection there if possible .
The English started with little in their favor . To speak of
Turkish oppression of the Arab was actually an absurdity, unless
one referred to the Levantine Christian on the coast . The
constitution of the Ottoman Empire was the Arab's Koran from
which the Turk derived his law, religion and culture . Even the
Turkish language became half Arabic ; and it was only with
the later revolution under Kemal Pasha that the decadent Arab
cultural pattern which ruled the life of the Ottoman nation
was eliminated .
Under Turkish suzerainty the Arab areas were virtually independent,
ru:zd by local chiefs whose authority was recognized
by the Sultan . Arabs held high position all over the
Empire. The Sultan's Guards were almost completely Arab .
The schools and army were dominated by them . Even the
Prime Minister, Mahmoud Chawkat Pasha, was an Arab .
The whole system of Moslemism itself practically precluded
any idea of national sentiment, until it began to arise under
the stimulus of British agitators . In Baghdad some Arabs of
vaulting ambition had formed Nationalist Committees, but the
mass of townsmen and fellaheen were utterly apathetic to any
nationalist feeling. Regional sectarianism was everywhere the
rule. The Shiahs did not desire a Sunni government ; nor
would the Sunnis tolerate a Shiah rule, while the mass of tribesmen
did not desire any government at all.
As matters rested, the British were compelled to create a completely
synthetic situation if they were to have the great Arab
revolt come off. They decided to rely on private rivalries and
ambitions ; and here they made a shrewd guess : the desert was
a hotbed of rapacity, hatreds and feuds .
Sitting immobile in the Hejaz was the Sherif Hussein, descendant
of the Prophet and unbending hater of Christians and
all their works . Almost alone among the Arabian princes he
was the nominee of the Turks. His measure may be gained
from the fact that he even prohibited talking-machines in his
kingdom, believing them to be the invention of the devil .
On the other side of Hussein was his mortal enemy, the gigantic
Ibn Saud of Nejd. Saud, a good hater who believed in
the old Mohammedan tenets of conversion by disemboweling,
was also in conflict with the powerful Emir of Hail, who was
being supported by the Turks .
The British wanted Hussein for the moral effect they presumed
his name would have on the Faithful, and made overtures
to him early. Part of these `negotiations' lay in the bland threat
to feed him outright to the ferocious Saud, to whom they were
handing a subsidy of 4 5ooo a month to insure his neutrality .
To make the argument more pointed, Britain politely withheld
the annual donation from Egypt to the holy cities of Mecca and
Medina, threatening the Hejaz with bankruptcy, since this pilgrimage
provided the barren land with its chief source of revenue.
The Sherif had still other and more urgent considerations
to hasten his decision . One of these was the British naval
blockade of the Arabian coast, "inevitably aggravating the internal
distress caused by the lack of pilgrims ." 8
That Hussein's overlordship of the Holy Places would make
him an acceptable leader to all the Arabs of the Peninsula turned
out to be an error. Even at that time, his mortal enemy, Saud,
was the principal power in South Central Arabia as was another
mutual opponent, Ibn Rashid of Hayil, in the North Central part .
Nor would the great sheikhs, such as those of the Huwallah,
the Shammar, or the Mutair accept Hussein's overlordship, or
even permit him to speak for them 7
The whole business degenerated into a confused medley of
intrigue, directed by a multitude of British agencies acting under
conflicting instructions and authority ; the powerful India Office,
for example, bucked the traces completely and gave encouragement
to Ibn Saud as the logical leader of the rebellion .,,
Just what kind of `Arab patriot' Hussein was, may be learned
from the fact that he allowed a contingent of volunteers to be
recruited in his territory for the abortive Turkish expedition to
the Suez Canal in February 1915, and used his influence to assist
the crew of the German cruiser Emden which had been harassing
British communications off the Red Sea Coast.9 Thus he
negotiated with Turks and British alike until he could make
sure he was backing the right horse. Actually all he wanted
or hoped to secure was complete independence in his own
corner of southwestern Arabia, military support against his rival,
Ibn Saud, and unfettered control of the lucrative pilgrim revenue.
Finally, the British High Commissioner in Egypt, Sir Henry
McMahon, tried his hand . He found Hussein a good horsetrader,
non-committal and holding out for the highest bidder .
In order to force the `Arab patriot' to move, the British had
to submit to as fine a mulcting as they have ever experienced .
The Agreement entered into early in i q i 6, reads that "The
Government of Great Britain agrees to furnish this Arab Government
with all its needs of arms and ammunition and money
during the War ." What this transaction was like is more than
explained in the wireless received by McMahon's confidential
assistant, Sir Ronald Storrs, just before the `rebellion' broke out.
It read : "Foreign Office has approved payment of £ io,ooo to
Abdullah and C So,ooo to Sherif o f Mecca. But this latter payment
only in return for definite action and i f a reliable rising
takes place." 10 All told, the English handed over to the Sherif
a cool J i 1,ooo,ooo in materials and money, and stimulated his
patriotism with grandiose promises of personal power ." Nothing
else than this flood of gold, writes Lawrence cynically,
"would have performed the miracle of keeping a tribal army in
the field for five months on end ." And C. S. Jarvis, English
Governor of Sinai Peninsula, comments that Arab actions from
start to finish "proved that they were only interested in the
revolution for three objects in the following order of importance
- gold, loot, and the satisfactory clearing up of their own
daraks or areas." 12 Indeed, the only time a full muster of the
`patriots' could be counted on was payday.
The whole `campaign of the desert' was a strangely inept piece
of business, vastly enlarged on by British publicists for outside
consumption . A good account of it is given by the French
General, Edouard Bremond, in his book Le Hedjaz dans la
Guerre Mondiale . Hussein himself is described as "an obstinate,
narrow-minded, suspicious character," so insanely jealous
of his son Feisal that he was forever issuing from his throne
in Mecca, out of sheer pique, "orders that from time to time
jeopardized the cause ." 13
Observers, neutral and friendly, have described the character
of these purchased levies. They were not, by our standards,
good soldiers. Bloodless victories were the kind that they appreciated,
and Lawrence's understanding of this preference
dictated his whole strategy of irregular warfare . Colonel Wilson,
the English representative at Hussein's court, contemptuously
refers to them as "a cowardly and undisciplined rabble" ;
and Lawrence makes no bones about their cowardice under
Turkish fire . 14 "Lawrence knew," says Jarvis, "that if his
Arabs suffered heavy casualties in a direct attack they would
never recover from the effect and would disseminate into thin
air." 15
Lawrence states, moreover, that "it was impossible to mix or
combine tribes, since they disliked or distrusted one another .
Likewise, we could not use the men of one tribe in the territory
of another." 16 With sardonic resignation he observes : "My
men were blood enemies of thirty tribes, and only for my hand
over them would have murdered in the ranks every day . Their
feuds prevented them combining against me ; while their unlikeness
gave me sponsors and spies wherever I went or
sent. . ." 17
Often the Arabs refused to fight at all because they were not
satisfied with the amount of loot they were receiving . Lawrence
himself was once abandoned with two companions in the
middle of an engagement, his Arab allies having gone raving
mad with the lust of plunder. In their frenzy they fought
among themselves, and soon were all `missing,' "having dispersed
with their spoil ." Even in victory they did not hesitate to leave
their own wounded lying helpless on the ground while they
looted. Under these circumstances, says Lawrence, they lost
their wits completely and "were as ready to assault friend as
foe." 18 Without exception, every observer comments that they
invariably broke off in the middle of an engagement to disappear
into the desert with their captured gains . There is actually
no recorded instance of an Arab accomplishment in the way
of a spectacular battle or the capture of a large town with its
The British, in fact, had their hands full with their wild allies.
Aviators had to fly at a considerable height to avoid being
shot at by the Bedouins, who had "an irresistible desire to
shoot anything that was moving fast ." 19 They found the Arab
chiefs volcanic and suspicious and ever ready to resent the
presence of infidels. "Many of them," writes Captain Hart,
"behaved as if the British officers were their servants, and set
an example of rudeness that was imitated by their followers, as
well as by their slaves." Lawrence cautioned his men frankly
before an excursion into the desert "that there was no need to
worry about the Turks, but every need to worry about our
allies, the Bedouins ." 20 Nor would he instruct his tribesmen
in the handling of the high explosives used to cripple the Turkish
transportation system, afraid that they "would keep on playfully
blowing up trains even after the termination of the war ." 21
The whole Lawrence legend in itself has been sadly exaggerated.
He was a brave and clever man, but the truth of the
matter is that he never penetrated into Arabia at all, and merely
went down the western coastal fringe from Mecca northward
along the Pilgrim railway .22 Most of the inhabitants of Arabia
could hardly have known of his existence, "while the suggestion
implied of Arabian unification under a foreigner and a non-
Moslem is, of course, a myth ." 23
His entire `army' of purchased irregulars did not amount to
a row of peanuts when compared with the Arabs fighting on
the Turkish side against the detested infidel . Simultaneous with
the Sherif's commitment to the Allies, his powerful neighbor
Hussein Mabeirig, chief of the Rabegh Harb, joined the Turks ;
and facing the invaders was at least one entire Ottoman division
made up entirely of Arab men and officers .
The number who participated in the `revolt' were an uncertain
and fluctuating quantity, "simply gathering," says Bertram
Thomas, "for some particular expedition in numbers that sometimes
reached a few thousand, but were more often only a few
hundred." Lloyd George estimated their total number to aggregate
"but a few thousand horsemen," remarking that "the
vast majority of their race in the Great War were fighting for
their Turkish conquerors." 24
There have been few peoples in history who have gotten so
much for giving so little . In Iraq the Arabs took almost no part
whatsoever in the fighting, and always were to be found on the
winning side. Now with the Turks, now with the British, loot
was their principal object . Blood-curdling eyewitness accounts
tell how Turks and Englishmen alike were murdered for their
small possessions . Unfortunate prisoners had their bellies
ripped open in search of the gold liras which the Arabs thought
the soldiers had swallowed. Graves containing Turkish and
English dead were despoiled for any articles which might have
been buried with them . Throughout the Turkish Empire the
phrase Khayin Arab (treacherous Arab) became an ugly
As shown by the records, as far as Palestine is concerned, the
Arab contribution to its conquest was indirect and trifling . Not
a single Arab was employed in the conquest of Cis-Jordan . In
Trans-Jordan it was the Jewish Legions who, having assisted the
English to take the passages of the Jordan River, marched on to
capture Es Salt, then considered its principal town. Lawrence's
Arabs were far away in the desert engaged in butchering and
looting fleeing men, fellow-Arabs of the Turkish army, who had
been routed by British guns and airplanes . The soldier, Duff,
his blood turned cold by these activities, describes their "strange,
twisted mentality. . ." 26
At this time the dazzling fiction of a Palestinian Arab struggle
against the Turks had not yet been invented . The British themselves,
roiled by the disinclination of Palestine Arabs to assist
in any way, described them as "sunk in almost animal brutishness,
moved by no spirit of personal liberty or freedom for their
native land ." A study of Lawrence's Seven Pillars o f Wisdom
reveals that his levies were all desert tribesmen except for ten
Syrians, of whom six `ratted' and four deserted . No Palestinian
Arab is mentioned by Lawrence . The British, who were later
to speak pompously of Arab nationalism in Palestine, were of
quite a different sentiment in 1918 . British Peace Handbook
No. 6o declares briskly that "they have little if any national
sentiment . . . The Moslem Effendi class . . . evince a feeling
somewhat akin to hostility towards the Arab movement . . .
This class, while regretting the opportunities for illegitimate
gain offered by Turkish rule, has no real political cohesion, and,
above all, no power of organization ." There was in fact not a
single Arab personality in Palestine with whom the British could
negotiate . With their experiences still fresh in English minds,
the Peace Handbook repeats Burton's jibe that these Levantines
"hide their weapons at the call of patriotism ."
Despite the ado subsequently made over the vaunted promises
to Hussein, all the evidence indicates that until British policy
shifted after the War, the idea that Palestine should become
Arabic had not even been contemplated . It is certain that during
Lawrence's campaign Feisal and his principal henchmen had
their eye upon Syria, not upon Palestine, and that the rank
and file were interested in money and loot and nothing else .
McMahon himself vigorously denied that any pledge had been
given to Hussein which could be construed to mean that Palestine
was to be included in the Arab area ; and in Commons on
July 11, 1922, Winston Churchill, then Secretary of State for
the Colonies, declared : "No pledges were made to the Palestine
Arabs in 1915 . So far as I am aware, the first suggestion that
Palestine was included in the area within which His Majesty's
Government promised to recognize and support the independence
of the Arabs, was made . . . more than five years after
the conclusion of the correspondence on which the claim was
based." The promise to Hussein was in any case crazy ; for, as
Sidebotham points out, he was not in a position to pledge the
Arabs outside the Hejaz to anything.
When Hussein finally proclaimed himself Commander of the
Faithful, it proved a fatal step, hardening against him the Wahabis
and other fanatic Moslem groups in whose eyes the Sherif
was an infidel backslider . London, too, was tiring of his incessant
demands and arrogance ; and burned with rage when
the new King of the Hejaz refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles
and wriggled out of joining the League of Nations under
British tutelage. Quietly they withdrew their support from
the recalcitrant Hussein and let it be known that he was now on
his own.27 Saud, who had been waiting for this moment,
needed no further invitation . He promptly occupied Mecca,
chased Hussein off to exile in Cyprus, and henceforth styled
himself King of the Hejaz and Sultan of Nejd .
While the Sherif was engaged in this death struggle with his
ancient enemy, Britain stepped in and demanded that he place
Maan and the Red Sea port of Aqaba under British Mandate .
On May 27, 1925, the British Government regretfully informed
the Commander of the Faithful that if he would not accede
to this demand, it "would have to take Aqaba and Maan by
force." On June 18, both towns became part of Transjordan .
Here was created the need for a fresh departure in British Arabic
policy since their new protege, Saud, would not accept the fact
of British possession gracefully ; he continued to roar with aggrieved
self-righteousness that he had been robbed . This friction,
which persists until today, resulted in still another of
Whitehall's famous zigzags, this time back in the direction of
Abdullah of the House of Hussein .

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